Several Olympians Go After Dwayne Johnson For Copied Logo

Dwayne Johnson is attempting to relaunch a failed company, but he is now in trouble after being accused of stealing a logo from several Olympians.

By James Brizuela | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

dwayne johnson

Dwayne Johnson attempting to revive the XFL might be in more trouble than when Vince McMahon was running the show. The off-brand professional football league crashed and burned when it was first introduced to the world. Johnson recently purchased the property to try bringing it back into the professional sports world. However, things might have already taken a turn for the worse, as several Olympians are now accusing the XFL of copying their logo. The first was that of soccer superstar, Megan Rapinoe, who brought the copied logo to the Twitter world. You can see her tweet below:

The XFL is currently going through a rebranding, but it seems as if that rebrand might have been lifted from an already previously established company. While Rapinoe brought the rebrand to the attention of her fiance, Sue Bird, who helped to create the Togethxr brand, the other Olympians involved in that brand have also spoken up. The brand was made by Sue Bird, Chloe Kim, Simone Manuel, and Alex Morgan. The Together logo is that of an X in place of the E in the word together. The XFL has done practically the same thing, only having the X be on the outside of the word together. This could get ugly. Dwayne Johnson might have a lot of explaining to do.

Sue Bird was one of the first Olympians to respond to the XFL’s new identity by tagging not only Dwayne Johnson, but the Togethxr and XFL names as well. She claims that the XFL logo looks awfully familiar, which we agree with. Someone in the PR office at the XFL is going to have to answer for this blunder.

To make matters worse, Alex Morgan also posted the similarities on her Twitter page. This time with the logos right next to one another. Also, the tagline from the Togethxr brand seems to also have been copied by the XFL. Using the logo in some manner is one thing, but to essentially copy words that have already been established, is going to look even worse for the XFL and Dwayne Johnson. Morgan has a bit more of a sense of humor about the situation, though the legal action is likely to come swiftly.

Simone Manuel is also one of the co-creators of the Togethxr brand, and she simply wanted to mirror what Sue Bird said in response to this clear theft. Dwayne Johnson had planned to launch the XFL next year, but it seems as if they are going to need to start their rebrand phase all over again. The XFL might think about a public apology as well.

Dwayne Johnson was once a college football player, and he was unsuccessful in his attempts to make it all the way into the NFL. He then opted to become a professional wrestler instead, which was a great career move. Relaunching the XFL is likely special and nostalgic for the man, as he can help young men shape their football futures. However, the company can’t afford another setback after failing already. Johnson or the XFL has yet to comment on the situation.