Doctor Who

Doctor Who news
  • Launched On: December 14, 1963
  • Airing On: BBC
  • Genre: Sci-Fi

Technically speaking, there have been many Doctors in the Doctor Who universe over the show’s 60-plus-year timeline. Fans have gravitated to some more than others.

Here are some of the most popular actors to play the Doctor…

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Latest Doctor Who News

Matt Smith doctor who

Terminator: Genesis Adds Another Time Traveler In Doctor Who’s Matt Smith

One of the joys of science fiction is seeing fan favorite actors stick with the genre across different projects. Arnold …

10 years ago


Steven Moffat Hints At Why The TARDIS Isn’t Crazy About Clara

We’re in the long dark between seasons of Doctor Who at the moment, so there’s no a whole hell of …

10 years ago

kate o'mara

Doctor Who’s Kate O’Mara And Director Derek Martinus Pass Away In Same Week

There is never any joy that comes with speaking about death, and one week saw the loss of two Doctor …

10 years ago


Doctor Who Fans Get Crafty With Time Lord Portraits And A Hand-Made Sonic Screwdriver Box

Science fiction fans are a crafty and creative sort, paying tribute to their favorite fictional universes with everything from fan …

10 years ago

Science Fiction-Inspired Lipbalms Will Increase Your Geek Cred

I’m addicted to Chapstick. There, I said it. It feels good. Acceptance is the first step, right? I don’t even …

10 years ago

Doctor Who’s Peter Capaldi Wins Over A Young Autistic Fan, The Rest Of The Human Race

We’re in that weird period that Doctor Who goes through anytime there’s a regeneration and a new actor playing the …

10 years ago


Doctor Who-ish Inspector Spacetime Becoming A Movie With An Actual Doctor

Fans of the NBC sitcom Community are familiar with the show’s catchprase/goal of “Six Seasons and a Movie.” The series …

10 years ago

Ben Wheatley Calls Peter Capaldi A Return To A Darker Doctor Who

When Peter Capaldi begins his reign as Doctor Who (we know he’s already made his first appearance, but we’re talking …

10 years ago

These Sci-Fi Home Conversions Are Making Me Drool

Visit the home of any self-respecting science fiction fan and the telltale signs will be there. The shelves packed to …

10 years ago


The Day Of The Doctor Nearly Referenced Another Obscure Doctor

The Day of the Doctor was a brilliant celebration of five decades of Doctor Who. While involving all of the …

10 years ago


Cards Against Humanity: The Doctor Who Edition

If you and your friends are as dark-humored as we are here at GFR, there’s a good chance you’ve already …

11 years ago

matt smith

Three Things We Loved About Matt Smith’s Doctor Who Farewell

“And now it’s time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven’s hour is over now, the clock …

11 years ago

Steven Moffat On What Would Have Happened If Eccleston Came Back For Who’s 50th

While there was a lot to love about Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary spectacular, The Day of the Doctor, there were …

11 years ago

Wholock: See Doctor Who And Sherlock Holmes Combined Into A Perfect Series

Can the greatest detective our world has ever known solve the mystery of man from another? Or, more to the …

11 years ago

Time Of The Doctor Pics Threaten You With…Wooden Cybermen?

From the sound of things, the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special The Time of the Doctor will be throwing in …

11 years ago


Doctor Who Regenerates The Google Doodle: Today In Science & Science Fiction

Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary is being marked in all sorts of ways this weekend, but now the clever folks at …

11 years ago

Seattle Is Throwing The Mother Of All Doctor Who Birthday Parties

This week is a pretty big deal for fans of the BBC’s venerable sci-fi adventure Doctor Who. After all, how …

11 years ago


Doctor Who Week Begins: Today In Science & Science Fiction

Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor finall;y premieres this Saturday! But if you were expecting BBC …

11 years ago


Doctor Who Rewatch -An Unearthly Child: The Forest Of Fear

Doctor Who’s An Unearthly Child: The Forest Of Fear originally aired December 7, 1963 When we last left them, the …

11 years ago


Gravity, Planet Of The Apes, And Doctor Who All Have One Crazy Thing In Common

I’m assuming if you’re even slightly well versed in cinema, you’re aware that Franklin J. Schaffner’s 1968 film Planet of …

11 years ago

Doctor Who Rewatch – An Unearthly Child: The Cave of Skulls

He didn’t start the fire.

11 years ago

Doctor Who Rewatch: An Unearthly Child

The Doctor tolerates this century, but he doesn’t enjoy it.

11 years ago


Steven Moffat Says Doctor Who Won’t Ignore Peter Capaldi’s Past Roles In The Show

When it was announced that Peter Capaldi would be taking the TARDIS keys from Matt Smith and stepping into the …

11 years ago

red dwarf

Cross The Streams: Hulu Goes British With Doctor Who, Red Dwarf And Life On Mars

(Affects best possible British accent ever) “‘Ello, luvs. Just popped by to let you streamers know that Hulu got pissed …

11 years ago

Did Peter Davison Confirm He’ll Be A Part Of The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode After All?

From the moment anyone first heard about Doctor Who’s upcoming 50th anniversary episode, one of the first questions anyone thought …

11 years ago

doctor who