Wildfire Photos: The West Coast Looks Apocalyptic

These are the wildfire photos that have us dropping our jaws in amazement.

By Drew Dietsch | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

These wildfire photos coming out of California, Washington, and Oregon have us thinking this is the most apocalyptic thing we have seen since Mad Max: Fury Road. The blazes have been doing incredible amounts of damage, but that has not stopped some folks from doing their best to capture this historic moment.

Probably the craziest of these wildfire photos has to be this one that was posted to Reddit. Take a look at how unearthly this red sky is in Salem, Oregon:

If you told us that was a scene out of the Nicolas Cage film Mandy, we would have believed you! But no, that is one of the many wildfire photos that have cropped up online over the past few days. According to NASA, the reason for this extreme color is due to smoke particles blocking certain wavelength colors from the sun.

Some wildfire photos and videos don’t appear to be quite as red, but they are no less apocalyptic. Take a peek at these set of photos from San Francisco:

And while all of this admittedly looks cool, it is important to remember the damage these wildfire photos are implying. For example, gaze upon the Bidwell Bar Bridge in Oroville, California in the tweet below and you can actually see the flames lapping at the bridge:

Crazy to think part of this all started because of a gender reveal party. It is devastating to see the destruction and damage these fires are causing, but some folks are braving the heat to capture these historic moments. Watch just a small portion of the terrifying devastation in the video tweet below:

And in this video, a family in a car full of kids tries to escape through a remote area of Oregon while surrounded on all sides by fire. You’ll hear the parents trying to stay calm for the kids as the world around them is consumed by fire. Don’t worry, they made it out fine. Here’s the video…


There is also this horrifying footage captured in Talent, Oregon by a bystander. These flames are absolutely unreal. Check out these wildfire photos:

Again, it isn’t just the fires that are creating such striking images. Their effects are equally astounding and terrifying. Here is another shot from Depoe Bay, Oregon that shows just how unbelievably crimson these fires are turning the sky:


At this point, these wildfire photos speak louder than any words we could ever write. It is incredible to see how much this natural disaster is changing the very face of our planet. And it has led plenty of people to compare these photos to films like Blade Runner 2049. Feast your eyes on this next batch of wildfire photos and tell us you don’t expect Ryan Gosling to walk into the frame at any minute:


Hopefully, these fires can be contained and put out by the brave firefighters and volunteers risking their lives. These images will likely go down as some of the most incredible of the year. 2020 could definitely be described as an apocalyptic year by some, and these wildfire photos don’t do a lot to dispel that notion.

If we learn of any more jaw-dropping wildlife photos coming out of the West Coast, we will be sure to update this piece with them. Feel free to tweet at us with any you might come across as this all unfolds.