Pink UFOs Showing Up On Google Street View

By Rudie Obias | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

Google Street View is a convenient way to get around a new city by mapping its landmarks, buildings, and, of course, streets. But strangely enough, Google Street View also photographed two separate pink-colored UFOs in the sky directly over Jacksonville, Texas and Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico.

Google Street View user Andrea Dove told East Texas ABC affiliate KLTV about the strange occurrence over the Texas sky. She said that a pink-ringed object was spotted on Google Street View hovering over Jacksonville, Texas. Could this be an actual UFO or a photo aberration? KLTV reporter Jamey Boyum said, “No one I spoke with had seen anything strange over Jacksonville, and although it could be a lens flare or an unexplainable reflection of some nearby object, I saw no indication of anything which fell under that umbrella.”

Thankfully, photo-video analyst Marc Dantonio explains what exactly is going on with the images on Google Street View. He contends that this is merely a lens flare reflected off a nearby object such as a building. Dantonio, who creates special effects and prototype models for the US government, tells the Huffington Post:

It is oriented exactly perpendicular to the sun, which is, of course, the source of the lens flare. The red color — although apparently odd — is not really unexpected. Color can be related to chromatic aberration where the light rays do not reach the same focal point, causing the final artifact to appear in a primary color like red, green or blue.”

Nearly 1,000 miles away, in New Mexico, the same pink-ringed flying object can be seen on Google Street View hovering over the city of Acoma Pueblo. According to ABC News, the only thing these two UFO sightings have in common is that there’s a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant nearby. Could McDonald’s iconic Golden Arches be responsible for the lens flare reflection on both images? Or maybe they just wanted to pick up a Happy Meal?

Here’s the ABC News report on the Google Street View UFO sightings:

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