Controversial Ancient Pyramid Renovation Horrifies Experts

By TeeJay Small | Published

A new project in Giza has left historians horrified and appalled as archaeologists seek to restore the granite exterior of the Menkaure pyramid. This project has been announced due to the lower foundation of the pyramid, just barely unearthed from its position beneath the sand, crumbling and suffering from centuries of wear and tear. Still, some regional experts believe the structure should be left alone entirely, citing the pyramid’s longevity and untouched history as reason enough to let the elements take their toll.

Extreme Home Makeover: Pyramids Edition

The project seeking to restore the Menkaure pyramid has been put in place simply as a patch job to ensure that the pyramid can continue to withstand the elements. However, some historians see this move as a slap in the face of the ancient cultures that contributed to the construction of the Egyptian landmark.

Experts have weighed in with a host of snarky remarks on social media, with some claiming it’s just a matter of time before luxury condo developers intend to put a tiled kitchen and bathroom combo inside the pyramid for tourists to rent. While these jokes are an obvious exaggeration, the sentiment remains true that touching up historic monuments can be massively controversial.

The Pyramid Is Collapsing

The restoration effort is being headed by a joint force of Egyptian and Japanese archaeologists and engineers. It seeks to utilize materials that have crumbled off the pyramid as a basis for new rows of blocks.

Nine of the Menkaure pyramid’s 16 rows have fallen, leaving only seven original layers left. The team behind the restoration is seeking to fully restore the structure to its original stature by 2027, with a fortified base of granite sure to remain in place for centuries to come.

Archaeologists Rally Against The Restoration

Egyptologist Monic Hanna specifically weighed in on the restoration project, explaining that international rules and regulations often prohibit tampering with landmarks such as the Great Pyramids in any capacity, even if it just means spackling some granite beneath the sand. In her statement, Hanna called on other esteemed archaeologists to mobilize against the restoration effort, calling the project an absurd overreach and an insult to Egyptian heritage. Other experts have weighed in with a wide spectrum of feelings about the project, with some agreeing that the restoration has their support so long as the team relies only on the original materials.

An Impossible Mission

Similar efforts have been taken to fortify world-famous monuments such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Great Wall of China, as well as other landmarks that have been damaged or destroyed, like Notre Dame and even the White House. Finding a consensus on what to do about the crumbling structures in Giza seems nearly impossible, as restoration efforts of this kind are almost always mired in controversy. Though many experts would prefer to see the pyramids completely untouched for the foreseeable future, others argue it isn’t prudent to let these impressive structures fall to ruins.

A Wonder Of The World

For now, raging debates have caused the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities to form a committee surrounding the project, while government officials have agreed to put the restoration effort on pause. We’ll have to wait and see if the Great Pyramids are listed on Airbnb as a two-bed, two-bath tomb with a view of a Bass Pro Shop.

Source: Futurism