The Fate Of Sly Cooper Has Been Decided

Sucker Punch has been busy developing their games, one being the massively succesful Ghost of Tsushima, which has led to the ultimate decision on Sly Cooper.

By Jason Collins | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

sly cooper

Despite the recent rumors suggesting that a new Sly Cooper game, belonging to a series of platform stealth video games for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita, the series’ original developer Sucker Punch Productions, has confirmed that this isn’t the case, and that the studio isn’t working on the new Sly Cooper game. In fact, as the studio shifts its focus towards new IPs, the series isn’t scheduled to receive any new entries in the foreseeable future.

According to IGN, Sucker Punch Productions thanked the fans for their support and disclosed some of the studios’ plans for the near future, stating that the team is streamlining its operations towards a new project, similar to how Niantic is now reorganizing its structure. This means that, as the result of the studio’s focal shift, there are currently no Sly Cooper or InFamous projects in pre-or active development stages at Sucker Punch Productions or any other studio.

This clarification comes after a sparkling set of rumors suggesting that both gaming franchises are making a comeback. The rumors were started by an “industry insider” in March and May this year, claiming that announcement of new entries in both Sly Cooper and the InFamous series would be coming later this year. These now-discredited rumors prompted Sucker Punch Productions’ communications manager to offer clarification on social media in hopes of putting misleading information to rest.

Of course, this isn’t indicative of Sucker Punch’s lack of love for Sly Cooper or Infamous. In fact, the studio further clarified that it isn’t done with the previously mentioned franchises and that it hasn’t closed any door to the potential expansion of said series. To reaffirm that, the company revealed several upcoming updates for InFamous games that are scheduled to roll out soon. As per the company’s statement, InFamous 2 will be relocated to a new server to prolong its lifespan.

Unfortunately, the company also shared that the game’s sunset is drawing near, though it hasn’t specified when, the migration to new servers is an effort to prolong the game’s life for players who are still active. In addition to that, Sucker Punch also stated that the company would add a DLC for InFamous Second Son to PlayStation Store, thanking everyone for nearly a quarter of a century of support before finishing up their statement.

Sly Cooper is a series of platform stealth video games for the various PlayStation consoles, running from 2002 through 2013, though Sucker Punch Productions only helmed the franchise from 2002 to 2005. The fourth installment in the franchise, released in 2013, was developed by Sanzaru Games while Sucker Punch worked on the InFamous series. Of course, the first three titles were remastered into HD for PlayStation 3 by Sanzaru Games, titled The Sly Collection.

Ultimately, Sucker Punch Productions shut down and denied all rumors suggesting the new Sly Cooper game was being worked on, and without much surprise for the fandom. Their latest release, Ghost of Tsushima, turned out to be a massive success, and recent job postings at the developer might even suggest that the sequel to the game is possibly on the way, while a movie is being developed by the John Wick director.