Marvel Planning To Make Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes Bi-sexual?

Is Sebastian Stan's character's sexuality finally about to be established?

By Faith McKay | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Sebastian Stan

A lot of fans currently watching The Falcon And The Winter Soldier have a whole lot of questions about what Marvel’s planning to do with Sebastian Stan’s character. Ever since he first appeared in Captain America, there was an undertone that perhaps Bucky would get together with the superhero. Was Bucky Barnes bi-sexual? The new series on Disney+ has been filled with scenes between Sam and Bucky that only bring this question to the foreground. Will Marvel ever give a straightforward answer to this question?

According to insider Daniel Richtman, they plan to. Ricthman posted to his Patreon page that Marvel is currently exploring making Bucky Barnes bi-sexual. The gossip writer didn’t go into depth on his sources, when this will happen, or how Marvel intends for Sebastian Stan’s character to make his sexuality known to audiences. His wording makes it sound as if at this point they still don’t know, but are at least considering how to move forward. 

Has the studio realized how frustrated fans are with what feels like queerbaiting? If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the idea is that a piece of content will continually insinuate there is a relationship between members of the same sex. They’ll never give the audience concrete evidence of this. In this way, they can bring in LGBTQ audiences without offending heterosexual audiences. It’s considered a marketing tactic and one that many have accused Marvel of over the years. Another example would be the friendship between Captain Marvel and Maria Rambeau. The new Disney+ series with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan has taken this further. 

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

In recent episodes of The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, there have been small hints that have left audiences in disbelief. For example, in one scene after a fight, the pair roll around on the ground together. In another scene, the two actually go to couple’s counseling. During their session, the two roll their eyes, but then discuss their feelings, participate in therapy tools meant for those in a romantic pairing, and touch thighs during all this. The onscreen chemistry is there between Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, and it tests audiences’ patience. 

Notably, Bucky Barnes mentioned in a recent episode that dating apps are full of tiger pictures. Dating apps are known for having tiger pictures in the photos featuring men. While it’s unknown to audiences whether the writer’s actually know this, fans noticed it right away. It’s just one more thing that makes audiences want progress in this area.

Recently, NME asked writer Malcolm Spellman if Sebastian Stan’s character will have his sexuality established on the show. He answered in a way that only felt more like queerbaiting. Spellman told the outlet that he was not going to “dive down rabbit holes”, but that audiences should keep watching.

Bucky Barnes

Will Bucky Barnes’ sexuality ever be clarified? If it is, will Marvel let him have a happy relationship? In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they just filmed their first same-sex kiss for The Eternals. The kiss was between a happily married couple, and the cast and crew cried on set. Is this a sign of things moving forward at Marvel? According to the writer on The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, we should keep watching to find out.