Star Wars: Lawrence Kasdan May Write A Boba Fett Movie And Other News

By Brent McKnight | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

Star Wars Episode VIIA bunch of bite sized Star Wars news nuggets have dropped today. Taken on their own, none of them are the most Earth-shattering things you’ve ever heard—though one is rather significant—but the impact does cut a wide swath across that galaxy far, far away.

First up is a photo from the set of the much talked about Star Wars: Episode VII. Tweeted by George Osborne, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer & MP for Tatton—and no, I don’t have any idea what that means, either—it shows him, director J.J. Abrams, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, and a little dude you might recognize, we like to call him R2-D2. This isn’t the first time that the sassy droid has shown up posing with key behind the scenes players.

Last week there were tons of leaked photos from the Abu Dhabi desert set, but the location of this photo is Pinewood Studios in merry old London, England. This isn’t the only Star Wars related tweet that Osborne unleashed upon the public, and this one brings us to the second bit of news.

By now you’re probably well aware that in addition to the numbered Episode films, there will also be a series of standalone Star Wars movies released on alternating years. The first will be helmed by Godzilla director Gareth Edwards, while Josh Trank (Chronicle) will handle the second installment. Osborne’s tweet concerns the filming location of the first of these additions to the canon, which will be shot primarily in the UK.

According to the most up to date intelligence that we have—it should be noted that this is based on a list that came from a toy company—this is the schedule for Star Wars over the next few years:

Fall 2014: Rebels
2015: Episode VII
2016: Boba Fett
2017: Episode VIII
2018: Han Solo
2019: Episode IX
2020: Red Five

If this is indeed the roadmap, Edwards’ film will, in theory, revolve around the fan favorite Madalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett. The prospect of that is enough to make you giddy. This also brings us to the next bit of news on this front: Lawrence Kasdan is writing the Boba Fett movie. That should also get you pretty damn excited. Who better to write a Boba Fett script than the man who introduced him in the first place?

BobaFett-ep6A prolific screenwriter, and director, Kasdan penned the script for everyone’s favorite installment of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, as well as working on Return of the Jedi and collaborating with Abrams on Episode VII after they took it over from Michael Arndt. The report also states that Kasdan is basing the script and story on a part of the Expanded Universe. While Lucasfilm recently said that not all of the EU adventures are necessarily official canon, they were also careful to note that those works could in fact be mined for future additions to the franchise. That sounds like it could be the case here.