Star Wars: Here’s What Aaron Paul Has To Say About That Han Solo Movie

Jesse, get back to work.

By Brent McKnight | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

han solo star warsWith Star Wars: The Force Awakens now less than a year away, that’s obviously been the hot topic of discussion when it comes to Star Wars, but there’s so much else going on. Not only are the Episode movies in the works, but Lucasfilm has a handful of standalone movies on the way as well. At the tail end of December, we heard that the first film could focus on some version of Han Solo and feature Aaron Paul. That, however, was apparently news to the Breaking Bad star.

Even though Paul was linked to the film, and possibly up for one of the leads, there was no word on what his role would be and whether or not he was being considered to play the iconic space rogue. Though he doesn’t really fit the mold, so it’s easy to assume they were talking about another character. The initial report said he was “looking to be attached” to the film, whatever the hell that means, but according to this tweet, that’s not the case:

Even if Paul is involved with a Star Wars movie, we all know how secretive these productions are—the cast of The Force Awakens got their first look at the script in an enclosed room being watched by cameras—so you didn’t really expect him to just blurt out, “I’m playing Han Solo, yo,” did you? That’s for the more conspiracy minded. Another possibility is that Paul is just one name, probably on a list, that the studio, or someone at the studio, is interested in for this movie.

Aaron PaulWe’ve been hearing that one of the spinoff revolves around Han for some time, but the reports that it will be the first one came as a bit of a surprise. Up to this point, the news has been that the first film focuses on fan favorite bounty hunter Boba Fett, and possibly involves a heist of some kind.

Personally, I hope this part isn’t true. From what little we do know about the plot of The Force Awakens, it’s apparent that Han plays a substantial role. With that film opening on December 18 of this year, and the first standalone movie, directed by Godzilla’s Gareth Edwards, hitting a year later, that just feels like a lot of one character right up front. Granted, Han is great, but there’s so much more for them explore, and the way they appear to be broadening the scope of the universe, that just doesn’t fit. I’d much rather see Edwards get his hands on a Boba Fett movie, there’s plenty of time to get back to Han down the road.