Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2 Blu-ray To Include Extended Episode

By Brian Williams | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

Raise your hand if you are excited about the new, digitally remasterd Star Trek: The Next Generation season one Blu-rays coming this July. OK now put it down, people are starting to stare. Even though the first one hasn’t even hit the store shelves yet, it looks like its already time to get psyched for the 2nd season’s release. One goodie already rumored for the next one is a whopping 20min extended cut of the classic episode “Measure of a Man”.

This news apparently comes after a tweet from the episode’s writer, Mellissa Snodgrass, hit the web a few days ago. Snodgrass said she was dropping off an extended cut of the ep. that would be on the DVDs, apparently she meant Blu-ray. According to, CBS has not released any details on the second season set, so it’s still unclear what form the extra 20 minutes of footage might appear in for the final release. It’s still possible they could just show the extra 20 min as one of the special features, put the whole episode together for viewing, or just take out snippets for a mini-doc.

“Measure of a Man” is still considered one of the best episodes of TNG. It’s one of the many Data episodes centered on his personhood. In it Captain Picard defended his right to freedom in a courtroom setting, and asked some powerful philosophical questions. This is all well and good, but to me the episode is great not because of Data or Picard, but because it showed for the first time, what a true bad-ass Riker was. Being the prosecutor against Data and Picard, Riker showed that it didn’t matter how close his friends were, to win he would literally go so far as to take off your arm or turn you off like a light switch.

The second season’s Blu-ray release date is still unannounced, but you can get the season 1 set on July, 24th. If you can’t wait that long, luckily there will be the special movie theater event happening July, 23rd which will show two episodes of the newly remasterd series with special feature in between that will also include a sneak-peek at “Measure of a Man”.

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