Quentin Tarantino Said One Ridley Scott Movie Was Pretty Dumb

By Rudie Obias | Updated

Quentin Tarantino

It’s always really something when you get one iconic movie director speaking candidly about another iconic movie director and not just launching into cliche platitudes. We once got that with Quentin Tarantino talking about Ridley Scott, and problems the former had with the latter around Prometheus.

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus was one of the most polarizing movies of 2012, disappointing many fans who were eager to see the director’s return to the genre of science fiction. As it turns out, Quentin Tarantino agrees with the film’s naysayers, and as the iconic director puts it, the movie “had some dumb stuff in it.”

While doing promotion for his film, Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino appeared on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson to talk about movies. Tarantino told Ferguson that, while making Django Unchained, he didn’t have enough time to watch new movies in the theater, but he did have an opportunity to watch Ridley Scott’s Prometheus.

So it seems like Quentin Tarantino has a love/hate relationship with Prometheus too. While he loves the scope and epic nature of Ridley Scott’s effort, he was let down with how much “dumb stuff” was in the final movie.

Of course, he points to the scene featuring Millburn (Rafe Spall) taunting the “space cobra,” a scene most people have a problem with. He’s not wrong. The scene was out of place, weird, and just hokey in a way that stood out to even the most aloof film watchers.

Quentin Tarantino did praise Ridley Scott’s vision and the wonderful performance by actor Michael Fassbender, who played the android David. Fassbender was featured as British film critic/spy in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds in 2009.

He did stop short of calling out the Michael Fassbender Prometheus scene that gets his head ripped off unceremoniously by one of the Engineers. Did that one make sense either? Kind of not really. Again, the movie had a lot of issues. The way the main crew explored the planet was only one of them. In all, Quentin Tarantino might have been kind to Ridley Scott when it was all said and done by just sparing him some of the requisite ridicule.

If only Quentin Tarantino would turn his attention to making a science fiction movie then he could cross off that genre on his filmography. But if you’re familiar with Tarantino’s work, then you know it would be a space western.