Mass Effect 3: Leviathan DLC Trailer Sends Commander Shepard Under The Sea

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

With the videogame world heading into the always packed fall season, the hue and cry about the ending(s) of BioWare’s Mass Effect 3 seems pretty distant. Regardless of whether you loved the end of the ME trilogy, hated it, or couldn’t care less, BioWare isn’t finished with the Mass Effect franchise…hell, they’re not even finished with Mass Effect 3. The latest batch of single-player DLC, dubbed Leviathan, is now available on both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. You can check out the trailer below.

Set during the ME3 campaign, Leviathan sends Shepard on a quest to track down a mysterious entity capable of single-handedly killing a Reaper. It even gives Shepard a chance to tool around underwater in a mech suit!

Early word on the DLC pack is positive, but Leviathan nonetheless occupies a weird space (so to speak). Since we all already know how the game ends, Leviathan can’t really have any serious impact on the larger game. As a die-hard fan of the series who wasn’t completely embittered by the endings, I’m excited about the chance to strap on the boots of my Shepard for a few more adventures, but at this point I’d almost rather BioWare learn the lessons of Mass Effect 3 and focus on the future of the franchise, whatever that may be.

That said, yeah, I’ve totally already downloaded a copy of Leviathan.

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