Mad Max Has You Dead To Rights In This New Fury Road Image

By Nick Venable | Updated

One of our most anticipated movies of 2015, Mad Max: Fury Road has been a long time coming, and the newest image from the film features Tom Hardy’s titular badass staring into all of our eyes, convincing us that the film won’t be delayed anymore. Check it out.

mad max fury road

Max’s hardcore qualities are definitely butting heads with his “keeping clean during the apocalypse” talents, as he’s only got a few smudges of dirt above one eye and below the other. But then, when there’s a mug as good looking as Tom Hardy’s at the front of a movie, I guess I understand not wanting to cover it up with too much sludge and grime.

I don’t know what it is exactly, but I totally buy Hardy as Max Rockatansky almost more than Mel Gibson, despite the latter actor’s stellar work in George Miller’s three previous post-apocalyptic adventures. Maybe it’s because of Gibson’s tabloid presence in the last decade, or maybe it’s because Hardy hasn’t been completely enveloped by Hollywood as Gibson was. In any case, it’s going to be amazing seeing him wreak all kinds of havoc in the Australian desert.

The image above is obviously a cover of Empire magazine, which is about to put out its 2015 preview issue. There’s another Mad Max-ian cover below, but it looks like someone Photoshopped it in their sleep while under nightmarish duress.

mad max fury roadI’m honestly not even sure if Tom Hardy was a part of this shot or if it was entirely a digital creation. His face is just too fake looking. Still, I like this image, with all those oddball vehicles kicking up dust on the horizon behind him.

For Mad Max: Fury Road, Hardy’s Max Rockatansky must assist Charlize Theron’s strange-looking Furiosa (and her bionic arms) in getting across the desert, despite the fact that there are a bunch of dangerous mofos who don’t want this to happen. Joining them is an almost unrecognizable Nicholas Hoult as a dude called Nux. In the future, no one is just named Bob. Relive the latest batshit bonkers trailer below, while trying not to burn yourself on the screen.

A fireball full of Mad Max: Fury Road hits theaters on May 15, 2015. And keep an eye out for this issue of Empire on newsstands, as it features a lengthy interview with George Miller where he shares loads of background info about this long-gestating sequel.