Marvel Cut A Violent Ending From A Recent Disney+ Series

A violent scene that would have been an epic ending was cut from one of the most popular shows on Disney+. as the company wants to remain family-friendly.

By James Brizuela | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

disney plus moon knight

Disney is certainly not ready to go fully into having R-rated or violent shows and films on their streaming platform just yet. Although the company brought over the Netflix/Marvel shows like Daredevil, Punisher, and Jessica Jones, they were still criticized by parents for doing so. More stringent parental controls were also placed on Disney+ because of the more adult content being on the platform. The newest instance of keeping things as super nonviolent as possible comes in form of a deleted scene from the newest hit series, Moon Knight. Originally, in the first episode, Marc Spector was meant to have a bloody fight with the Jackal. However, that was cut leaving audiences with only brief moments of the suit being on. You can see the fight choreography below:

From the above fight, the bathroom scene would have been a lot more entertaining. Jackal and Moon Knight are essentially throwing one another around and causing massive damage. That would have been a sight to see. What we saw was Steven Grant giving control to Marc Spector, who then became Moon Knight. But it was so quick. The Jackal was dispatched quite easily with some background sound effects of fighting, and we got the first shot of Moon Knight in all his glory. However, had Disney not been so scared of the backlash, we could have seen a much bloodier affair. This is strange that Disney is pulling back on violent material, considering it has now been revealed that a new Daredevil series is on the way. That series doesn’t have to necessarily follow in the steps of its Netflix predecessor, but the rumor is that it is a continuation. Simply put, Matt Murdock gets into some pretty violent situations, and dumbing those down will not go over well.

Moon Knight was plenty violent, as Marc Spector and Steven Grant got into plenty of situations where they had to fight their way out. Unfortunately, the violence was most implied. Especially when Steven Grant would fall out of consciousness and be shown with blood on his face from some source of fighting. There was never a moment when we saw what should have been a bloodier affair, especially considering that is sort of what Moon Knight was all about. Marc Spector did get shot to death, which was harrowing, but there could have been more moments like that in the series. Disney might just need to let go a bit and allow these new parental controls to function in the way they are supposed to. Warnings before shows could also help with deterring parents from showing some of the more adult content to their children.

Moon Knight was still one of the best shows that have been produced for Disney+, and the rumor is that the second season will eventually happen. Daredevil is beginning on the streaming platform as well, so it might be time for the company to relax a little and let the nature of some of these shows come out a bit more. That fight between Moon Knight and Jackal would have been fantastic to see.