Exclusive: Beyonce Has Her Sights On Playing Storm In The Marvel Universe

Thanks to a trusted and proven inside source, Giant Freakin Robot has now learned that Beyonce told the head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, that she wants to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

By Faith McKay | Published

This article is more than 2 years old


Eventually, the X-Men are going to be properly introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At the moment, fans are waiting to see when and where that’s going to happen. Will Hugh Jackman storm into a scene as Wolverine? Will they recast the roles? Are they likely to make surprise appearances in another film, or will they be introduced in a project centered around their characters? Perhaps some of these decisions will be made based on opportunity, and now, Beyonce is certainly offering them one. Thanks to a trusted and proven inside source, Giant Freakin Robot has now learned that Beyonce told the head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, that she wants to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Specifically, she told him that she wants to play Storm.

Storm is an iconic X-Men character and an excellent one for Beyonce to be going after. The character, also known as Ororo Munroe, was interesting in the X-Men films done by Fox as a powerful manipulator of the weather. Halle Berry did a great job bringing that character to life. However, Storm has an even more interesting background in the comics that the Fox films never explored. It would be great to see an actress like Beyonce take the role and possibly dive more into stories for Storm that movie audiences have yet to see portrayed.

While Giant Freakin Robot’s source shared that Beyonce is actively pursuing a Marvel role and talking to Kevin Feige about her ambitions, we did not confirm what Kevin Feige said back to her about the opportunity. While Beyonce’s career has mostly been focused on her work as a musician, she’s made a name as an actress. It’s hard to imagine he wasn’t interested in what she’s proposing.

There’s a good chance that Kevin Feige already had a vision for how Storm will enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There’s also a good chance that those plans didn’t include Beyonce. Now he has an interesting opportunity. Will he attempt to sway her to another character? He’s said that he likes working with actors who are passionate about their projects. This is why he’s moved away from making them sign multi-picture deals, so he doesn’t keep them stuck in place if they’ve burned out. Beyonce’s specific interest in Storm represents a passion for the project that could add to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, will he be able to make Beyonce’s ambitions work with his current plans for the X-Men?

storm marvel x-men
Halle Berry As Storm

While he’d have to change up his current plans, that’s likely nothing new for Marvel. They pivot to opportunities on a regular basis. He likely had a rough idea of the future in mind before the X-Men became a property for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and now he’s pivoting for that. Adjusting plans to make room for Beyonce must have his attention.

It will be interesting to see how Marvel moves forward as their cinematic universe expands. How often will they be hiring actors who haven’t made a name for themselves yet? How often will they add stars like Beyonce to their cast?