Daisy Ridley Returning To Star Wars?

Daisy Ridley spoke about returning to Star Wars as Rey.

By Faith McKay | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

daisy ridley star wars

Daisy Ridley was recently asked by Empire Magazine whether she would be interested in revisiting her role as Rey in Star Wars in the future. This is unsurprising, as the internet asks this question all the time. Will her trilogy continue? Will we see more stories with Rey? Often, the internet asks whether her trilogy may be remade entirely, though it just happened. Proving that she is incredibly adept at interviews, the actress answered, “Never say never”. She added that part of the beauty of Star Wars is that there are still so many amazing stories to be told in the world that we haven’t heard yet. This answer could be translated to say that yes, she would consider doing this someday. However, don’t expect it any time soon. 

This was further enforced when Daisy Ridley mentioned how surprised she was to see Luke Hamill appear on The Mandalorian. Thereby pointing out that Hamill returned to the role of Luke Skywalker, but many many years after he first played the character. She mentioned that for now, she has said goodbye to Rey. She added that she had a wonderful time making the Star Wars films. 

This carefully put-together response is very different from the answers her co-stars have given. Daisy Ridley mentioned that she keeps in touch with John Boyega and Oscar Isaac. Boyega has been public about his feelings on how his character was handled. He has said he has no intentions of returning to play Finn in the future. Oscar Isaac has said he would return for the right payday.

Daisy Ridley Star Wars

Remarkably in today’s landscape, Daisy Ridley is not on social media. This is odd for a 28-year-old actress. She deleted her Instagram account back in 2016. She has said this was after she posted anti-gun messages and went on to receive a fair amount of harassment. Most stars today are on social media and are more outspoken. We know a fair amount about their lives and views, or at least what they want us to believe about their lives and views. Daisy Ridley stands out as an actress able to give more polite and professional responses that come from a more distant place.

While she may be able to avoid social media, Daisy Ridley cannot avoid the rumor mill. Recently, there was a rumor she would be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Rumors spread that a Spider-Woman movie was coming. Moreover, that Ridley would play the title role. This was shot down by writer Sariah Wilson. She shared on her Twitter that she asked Daisy Ridley about the rumors and had to explain what the project was. The actress thought the idea was neat and she’d love to take on such a role but the rumor was news to her.

While we may not be seeing her as either Rey or Spider-Woman any time soon, Daisy Ridley does have a new project coming out soon. Filming for Chaos Walking began in 2017. This movie was pushed back for many issues, not just the pandemic. The story is based on the book The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. The Young Adult sci-fi novel follows a young woman who crash lands on a planet populated by only men. The men have an issue known as “The Noise”, which means all of their thoughts can be heard. Daisy Ridley teams up with Tom Holland to discover the secrets of The Noise and what happened to the women on this mysterious planet. Chaos Walking releases in theaters March 5, 2021.