Aaron Eckhart Gets Sequel To Unexpected Action Thriller Hit

By Charlene Badasie | Published

aaron eckhart

Aaron Eckhart will return as Jake Rosse in Muzzle: City of Wolves. The actor first played the role in the 2023 action-thriller film Muzzle, which told the story of a man who dives deep into a sinister underworld to find those responsible for killing his dog in Skid Row. John Stalberg Jr., who directed the first film, will helm the sequel from a script by Jacob Michael King.

Muzzle: City Of Wolves

Muzzle: City of Wolves will follow retired Jake Rosser (Aaron Eckhart), who is trying to live a peaceful life with his family and retired K-9 partner, Socks. However, their lives are shattered when a ruthless gang targets them.

Determined to protect his loved ones, Jake and his new K-9 partner, Argos, dive into a dangerous criminal world filled with corrupt officials and a ruthless drug trafficking ring.

Behind The Scenes

aaron eckhart

Stalberg Jr. produces the movie through his production company Slow Burn and David Frigerio through Broken Open Pictures. The executive producers are Tim O’Hair, RuthAnne Frigerio, Carlyle Eubank, David Guglielmo, and Dallas Sonnier.

Highland Film Group will handle international rights and will introduce the Aaron Eckhart-led Muzzle: City of Wolves to buyers at the Marché du Film.

“I’m chomping at the bit to dive back into the world of Muzzle with Aaron Eckhart,” Stalberg Jr. said in a statement to Variety. “Aaron embodies Jake Rosser – a flawed hero we need right now, who walks the razor’s edge between justice and vengeance.

In this sequel, we crank it all up to 11. Expect more raw action, heart-stopping suspense, and a whole lot of righteous fury.”

Last Year’s Muzzle

Muzzle hit screens in September 2023 from a script by Carlyle Eubank. Aaron Eckhart’s disgruntled LAPD K-9 officer, Jake, is suspended from his job and forced to see a therapist after his dog Ace is killed in a shootout.

Mourning Ace, Jake decides to investigate the incident that led to his dog’s death, which involved multiple police officers being killed, a car explosion, and fentanyl found at the scene.

Jake’s pursuit leads him into a dark underworld of shady characters, trafficked dogs, and fentanyl production fronts.

He is paired with a new traumatized K-9 partner named Socks, and together, they uncover a dangerous drug trafficking ring and corrupt officials. Muzzle explores Jake’s PTSD and his complex relationship with his canine companions.

Critics Hated It, Fans Loved It

aaron eckhart

There are thrilling moments as Aaron Eckhart’s Jake tracks down criminals and touching scenes of him bonding with Socks. However, the best parts are the K-9 training sequences.

Although Muzzle received mixed reviews, with a 36 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, viewers liked the film as evidenced by the 77 audience score in the popular review aggregator site.

Aaron Eckhart’s Other Work

Aaron Eckhart has a few other projects in the works. The first is the action thriller Classified, directed by Roel Reiné, from a script by Bob DeRosa. The story follows a veteran CIA agent and his daughter, an MI6 analyst.

She tracks him down and reveals that his boss has been dead for years. Together, they go on a mission to discover who has really been giving him orders. Tim Roth and Abigail Breslin also star.

Aaron Eckhart will also appear in Deep Water alongside Ben Kingsley. Renny Harlin directs the disaster-horror film from a script by Pete Bridges.

The story follows a group traveling from Los Angeles to Shanghai. When they are forced to make an emergency landing in waters teeming with sharks, they must unite and cooperate to survive.

Source: Variety