Tom Holland Is Quitting Instagram Because Of Mental Health

Tom Holland is one of the most popular celebrities in the world, both on social media and off, but he has announced it's time for a break.

By Charlene Badasie | Published

tom holland

Tom Holland is no stranger to taking social media breaks, temporarily removing himself from Instagram in the past. Now, after posting infrequently for the past few months, the Spider-Man star says he plans to extend the digital detox. Speaking to his 67.7 million followers on the popular photo-sharing platform, the 26-year-old said he needs the hiatus to focus on his mental health.

In an almost three-minute video, Tom Holland said he’d been struggling to come up with the right words for close to an hour. “I’ve taken a break from social media for my mental health because I find Instagram and Twitter to be over-stimulating, to be overwhelming,” he said. The actor also explained how he gets caught up in the negative things he reads about himself which leads him to spiral. “It’s very detrimental to my mental state. So I decided to take a step back and delete the app,” he continued.

Additionally, in the caption alongside the clip, the Marvel star said he felt compelled to share some information about Stem4 – a charitable education program that helps young people manage their mental health. “There is an awful stigma against mental health and I know that asking for help and seeking help isn’t something that we should be ashamed of. But it is something that is much easier said than done,” Tom Holland added. He’s tried all four apps in the program and says they’ve been fantastic and really helpful.

During his run as the famous web-slinger, the actor has been the focus of several memes and online fan campaigns. So it’s not surprising that all the attention took a toll on his mental state. Before ending the video, Tom Holland thanked everyone for their love and support, saying he was going to disappear from Instagram again. “I love you all and I’ll speak to you soon,” he said. The British actor isn’t the first celebrity to succumb to the negative effects of social media. Selena Gomez, Pete Davidson, Millie Bobby Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, and more also ditched the digital realm for similar reasons.

After Spider-Man: No Way Home established Peter Parker as more than just Iron Man’s protégé, Tom Holland is taking a step back from the superhero genre to pursue more challenging roles. He recently starred alongside Mark Wahlberg in Sony’s Uncharted adaptation and will next appear in The Crowded Room – a psychological thriller for Apple TV. Created by Akiva Goldsman, the first installment in the seasonal anthology series takes inspiration from the nonfiction novel, The Minds of Billy Milligan by author Daniel Keyes and tells the story of a man with multiple personalities.

Tom Holland is also attached to star in the Fred Astaire biopic, according to the Associated Press. Meanwhile, reports indicate that Marvel has already started work on Spider-Man 4. But its main stars, Holland and Zendaya, have yet to officially sign on. Director Jon Watts has also moved away from superhero films and decided to helm Star Wars: Skeleton Crew instead of Marvel’s Fantastic Four reboot. While Sony has confirmed that they expect the trio to return, it’ll be a few years before we get another Spider-Man movie.