Mayim Bialik Fans Support Jeopardy! Host After Insulting Comment Revealed

Mayim Bialik seems to be a wonderful person, and she recently revealed some of the horrifying comments she has received, with fans quickly backing her up on her Instagram post.

By James Brizuela | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

mayim bialik

Mayim Bialik has recently had to deal with getting COVID-19, but it appears as if the part-time Jeopardy! host is getting over the symptoms from that, which is fantastic to hear. However, what is not great to hear is the insulting comments that the actress has received from random people. During an episode of her podcast where she had Justin Long on as a guest, they both revealed some of the worst things that random people have said to them. Bialik said, “Like ‘I saw you in a magazine. I was very confused. You looked pretty.’ I get that a lot.” You can see the video of this interaction below:

People are always going to think what they are going to think, however, stating that someone is ugly to their face is as harsh as it comes. Especially when it’s a backhanded compliment like the fan interaction that Mayim Bialik described. Justin Long also chimed in with his own version of that same insult. According to Long, fans would tell him, “You’re better looking in person!” He added, “Yes, that’s a tough one ‘cause then you think ‘Well, what do I care what you like? That means to millions of other people I’m worse looking.” It sounds like both these wonderful actors have had to endure being called horrible names and descriptions by a ton of different fans. However, fans began to rally behind Bialik after she revealed the hurtful comments.

Comments on the Instagram video began to surface, with plenty of people backing up Mayim Bialik. Well, both Justin Long and Bialik got some love. One comment stated, “I love both of yall I think yall are both beautiful.” Another stated how much of an inspiration Bialik is to them. Another insult that Bialik commented on was the people that outright tell her they prefer Ken Jennings as the host of Jeopardy! No matter who you are, no matter what you do, there are always people that are going to try and drag you down with negativity. The best course of action is to move on living your life. Bialik is doing fine for herself, and clearly, she and Justin Long are having a good laugh at how horrible people can be.

We understand that laughing situations off isn’t going to make them go away. Mayim Bialik might be having a laugh on her podcast about those horrifying comments made at her expense, but they could also be hurting her. We don’t know the harassment that someone goes through on a day-to-day basis. We can say that we think Bialik is fantastic and not at all ugly. She was great in Blossom, hilarious in The Big Bang Theory, and has been an elegant host for Jeopardy!

Despite all the negative comments that she likely has to deal with, especially now with the fiasco at Jeopardy! she is still a fantastic host. Mayim Bialik probably has the skin of a rhino as well, and she can likely just brush off these comments and keep living her life. She is a successful actress and host and will likely have to deal with negative comments for as long as she is in the public eye. We are sure she is not the only celebrity that receives this type of treatment. However, she does still have droves of fans that have seen fit to back her up.