• Formed: July 29, 1958
  • Location: Kennedy Space Center
  • Related: Space Force
  • Status: Active

mars life

Mars Rover Finds Signs Of Ancient Life In Massive Discovery

NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars has found a rock that may contain signs of ancient life. The rover picked up …

2 hours ago


Paramount+ Sci-Fi Epic Stands Out As Master Director’s Best Movie

By now, you’re almost certainly familiar with the catalogue of incredible films crafted by auteur filmmaker Christopher Nolan. The beloved …

1 day ago


NASA Abandons Moon Mission For The Most Depressing Reason

NASA’s Moon rover, known as Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER), sadly won’t see any action since NASA decided to …

1 day ago

NASA Cancels Moon Mission, Vehicle Being Scrapped For Parts

NASA officially has canceled its Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) project which was intended to search for ice at …

3 days ago

NASA Rover Accidentally Makes Mind-Blowing Discovery On Mars

While we are still likely quite a few years away from astronauts being able to do any significant exploration on …

4 days ago

SpaceX Is Building A New Rocket To Destroy The International Space Station

The International Space Station has been a global success since its components first were put into orbit around the Earth …

4 days ago

X-Files mulder

The X-Files Humanized Its Best Character In The Silliest Way

Part of what made The X-Files such an engaging show from the beginning was the unflappable cool of FBI Special …

4 days ago

The X-Files Special Effect Everyone Couldn’t Stop Laughing At

Compared to other genre shows like Star Trek: The Next Generation, fans don’t usually think of The X-Files as having …

6 days ago

The X-Files Episode Delayed By A Video Game

The X-Files isn’t a show with many video game crossovers…sure, Byers’ buddy is really into Dig Dug in a flashback …

1 week ago

The X-Files Worst Episode Inspired By Fake News

X-Files fans are often divided over the worst episode of the entire series, especially when the revival of the show …

1 week ago

The New Tech Company Transforming Space Into A Highway

NASA and SpaceX are working to develop bases on the moon and eventually on Mars with the help of private …

1 week ago


Cruise Liner-Size Asteroid Getting Closer To Earth Than Satellites

The asteroid Apophis, discovered in 2004, will come closer to Earth than most satellites. Measuring 1,230 feet across Apophis is larger …

1 week ago

Moon Cave Discovery Key To Lunar Colonization?

It has long been talked about that humans could one day live on the Moon, but even after all the …

1 week ago

jupiter flat

Distant Planet Identified By Rancid Odor

Astronomers announced an interesting fact about the exoplanet HD 189733 b on July 8 that many space enthusiasts might not …

2 weeks ago

planet 9

Ancient Water Found Floating In Deep Space

As humankind is entering a new era of space exploration, scientists have recently revealed that there is a giant reservoir …

3 weeks ago

International Space Station Hit By Debris After Mysterious Satellite Destruction

The International Space Station faced a scary situation as it encountered the threat of debris from another spacecraft colliding with …

4 weeks ago


NASA Asteroid Sample Reveals Shocking Origin

The NASA OSIRIS-REx mission has revealed that the asteroid Bennu may have originated from an ancient, watery planet. The unprecedented …

4 weeks ago

billionaire immortal

Elon Musk Hired To Destroy International Space Station

NASA is bringing on Elon Musk’s SpaceX company to take the International Space Station out of orbit. The contract is …

4 weeks ago

international space station (1)

US Astronauts Stuck In International Space Station For Way Too Long

If you’ve been following the news in recent months, you may be aware that Boeing is currently embroiled in a …

1 month ago

milky way

NASA Hubble Image Captures Birth Of A Nebula

As technology continues to advance, the leaps and bounds that we are seeing in the field of science are almost …

1 month ago

asteroids, earth

NASA Makes Catastrophic Asteroid Defense Discovery

A recent NASA exercise has demonstrated how ill-suited world governments are for dealing with an asteroid on a collision course …

1 month ago

black hole

Galaxy Cores Merge In First Ever Discovery

Though mankind has only been sending men into the reaches of space for a few short decades, new discoveries and …

1 month ago

voyager 1

Voyager 1 Makes Miraculous Full Recovery

NASA first launched the iconic Voyager 1 space probe into orbit back in September 1977, with the intention of studying …

1 month ago

Sci-Fi Horror Bug Discovered On International Space Station

It’s a startling find straight out of the dark depths of sci-fi horror: aboard the International Space Station (ISS), NASA …

1 month ago

The Titan 2018

Netflix Sci-Fi Thriller Turns Hope Into Horror With Avatar Star

The 2018 sci-fi thriller The Titan, starring Sam Worthington (Avatar), Taylor Schilling, and Tom Wilkinson, is streaming on Netflix. Directed …

1 month ago

Planet Surviving A Dying Star In Deep Space Gives Hope For Earth’s Future

As much as we all do to try and preserve the Earth for future generations, inevitably life on the planet …

2 months ago

Only Venus Satellite Suddenly Dies In Space

Japan’s Akatsuki probe, the only spacecraft to survive the harsh environment of Venus for almost a decade, has fallen silent. …

2 months ago

Scientists Warn Historic Solar Flares Are Coming Back For Another Shot At Earth

In early May, solar active region AR 13664 produced an impressive 12 X-class solar flares over just six days. The …

2 months ago


Scientific Breakthrough Reveals Venus Is Very Different Than We Thought

Space is constantly surprising us in some exciting, thrilling, and oftentimes terrifying ways as we get a better grasp on …

2 months ago