Steve Carell

- Birthdate: August 16, 1962
- Birthplace: Concord, Massachusetts
- Known For: The Office, Despicable Me, Anchorman
Latest Steve Carell News
The Office Episode Removed Due To Cancel Culture
A controversial episode of The Office has been eliminated by Comedy Central.
A Steve Carell Comedy Is Finding Lots Of Love On Streaming
One of the best Steve Carell comedies is taking off on streaming.
Steve Carell’s The Office Facing Racial Accusations
Steve Carell is under some fire for racial insensitivities stemming from a particular The Office episode that happened in Season 3.
An Overlooked Steve Carell Movie Is About To Hit Netflix
After seven seasons on The Office, Steve Carell followed playing Michael Scott with this charming ensemble comedy coming to Netflix next month.
Steve Carell Making A Sequel To One Of His Biggest Comedies?
Steve Carell could be teaming up with another comedic legend for a sequel to one of his biggest comedies from the past. It could be biblical
Space Force On Netflix Reviewed: Steve Carell’s Series Fails At Being Funny
Because Netflix’s Space Force series struggles to get off its own proverbial launchpad and I’m not sure how long viewers stick around.
Some Good News Episode 2: John Krasinski Brings In The Entire Cast Of Hamilton
Some Good News is exactly what its title says it is. Fifteen minutes of feel-good stories from across the United States.