Science Fiction’s Most Memorable Moments Of 2013 – Rudie’s Picks

By David Wharton | Updated

WorldEndBotsBill Nighy in The World’s End
Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright’s The World’s End was the third and final film in the “Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy,” along with Shaun of the Dead and Hot FuzzShaun of the Dead as Shaun’s stepfather Phillip, and in Hot FuzzThe World’s End as “The Network.” It’s the best way to cap the end of the world because “the End is Nighy,” as Pegg and Wright put it.

The end of The World’s End is very polarizing to fans of the trilogy. While the end of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are set in stone, the finale of The World’s End is more ambiguous. Humanity didn’t win the day, but rather is forced to co-exist with the alien robots. It’s also unclear if Simon Pegg’s Gary King emotionally developed throughout the film. The way the film ends, it seems that King has reverted to his old ways, only giving up drinking for good.

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