Don’t Try Ordering One Of These Sci-Fi Inspired Drinks From Your Local Bartender

By Brent McKnight | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Sci-fi movies and shows always feature really delicious-looking drinks. In some far away galaxy, on some undiscovered world, or perhaps in an alternate universe, some member of a royal family is always sipping an enticing concoction. They’re often bubbling and smoking, and sometimes the colors are even so vibrant they almost glow. Sure, if you saw that same liquid waiting for you in a glass here on Earth, you’d assume someone broke open a glow stick, dumped out the contents, and was trying to poison you. But in another world…well, that’s a different story.

Isn’t there a part of you, deep down (or maybe not so deep), that wishes you could taste these fantastic elixirs? Well, fortunately for all of us, the internet is full of geeks with similar urges, and the fine duo known as the Geek Twins has compiled a list of eight of these fictional drinks, accompanied by recipes that probably won’t melt your insides.

Klingon Blood Wine: Star Trek: The Next Generation


1 oz. Rum, spiced (Captain Morgan’s)
1 oz. Tequila, gold (Jose Cuervo Especial)
Fill with Cranberry Juice
1 dash Grenadine
2 dashes Tabasco Sauce

Mixing Instructions

Add tabasco sauce to an ice-filled beer mug or glass.
Pour in the tequila, rum and grenadine, and fill with cranberry juice.
Shake twice and serve.

Slurm: Futurama


2 oz. light rum
1 oz. sour apple schnapps
2 oz. pineapple juice
3 oz. 7 up.

Mixing Instructions

Pour all the ingredients into a large glass and stir

Romulan Ale: Star Trek


Triple sec
Blue Caracao

Mixing Instructions

Pour all the ingredients into a glass and stir

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


1 tablespoon gin
1 tablespoon light rum
1 tablespoon vodka
1 tablespoon tequila
2 tablespoons creme de menthe liqueur
2 tablespoons Galliano
1 cup ice cubes
1 slice lemon or olive
Blue food coloring

Mixing Instructions

Combine the gin, rum, vodka, tequila, creme de menthe, Galliano and ice in the container of a blender.
Cover, and blend until slushy.
Add enough blue food coloring to make the mixture a very light sky blue.
Pour into a glass and garnish with a slice of lemon or olive.

Mudder’s Milk: Firefly


3 “High Protein” Tiger’s Milk bars 1/3 c. unmilled, or Irish, oatmeal
1 c. sarsaparilla (unspiced, unless you are brave)
1/3 c. of the sarsaparilla (for later)
2 bottles of root beer
1 bottle of Yoo-hoo

Mixing Instructions

Unwrap and cut Tiger’s Milk bars into “pinkie-width” pieces.
Put pieces and oatmeal into bowl with sarsaparilla and stir. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Once sarsaparilla and bits are soaked overnight, take one bottle of root beer and pour into saucepan.
Heat to a simmer.
Pour in contents of soaking bowl.
Bring back to simmer, stirring until Tiger’s Milk bits soften. Take off heat.
Pour in second root beer.
When lukewarm to the touch, pour into blender and purée until smooth.
Refrigerate for at least three hours.
To serve, pour in Yoo-hoo, stir lightly, and pour into glasses.

Moloko Plus: A Clockwork Orange


1 oz Brandy
½ oz Ricard Pastis
½ oz Vanilla Liqueur
1 tsp Orgeat
1 egg white
2 oz Milk or Table Cream

Mixing Instructions

Combine all ingredients with ice in shaker and shake until foamy.
Garnish with a pear slice.

Vitex Health Drink: Doctor Who


1 tsp Fresh or dried vitex berries
8 oz. Water
1 tsp. Honey or 1/2 tsp Mint

Mixing Instructions

Measure 1 tsp. or ¾ oz. of fresh or dried vitex berries in a cup and set aside.
Pour 8 oz. of water in a vessel and set on heat to boil.
Fill the cup containing the vitex berries with the boiled water.
Allow the berries to steep in the hot water for 10 minutes.
Add 1 tsp. of honey or a ½ tsp. of chopped fresh mint to the tea, stir and drink. Vitex tea has a peppery flavor — mixing honey and mint reduces its pungency.
Cool and serve cold

So what do you think? Have you already started planning the nerdiest cocktail party ever, or are you going to sit this one out? I imagine that if you did throw this sort of get together it would have to go hand in hand with a costume party. That’s only natural, and, let’s be honest, is going to be expected.