Koyakatsi Concept Trailer Sics A Robot Panther On You

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

It’s a well-kept secret here at Giant Freakin’ Robot, but we have a soft spot in our hearts when it comes to robots. (That soft spot is made of a mimetic poly-alloy.) So including a robot of some sort in your trailer will ‘cause us to pause our fingers above the “Alligator Pit” button and say, “Go on…” Well, the above concept trailer for a science fiction flick called Koyakatsi has our attention, and all it took was a robotic panther.

Koyakatsi is set to be the debut feature film of a chap named Ayoub Qanir. The flick shot in Warsaw, Poland, and is listed for a November 2014 release, assuming all goes well. Details are pretty sparse, and the trailer itself occasionally plays like a particularly sleek car commercial, but the Vimeo page does include a brief, cryptic logline:

A young scientist and a military doctor team-up to investigate a series of unidentifiable, non-biological attacks. What they discover is a threat far greater than they could have ever imagined.

A bit more digging turns up a 2012 Huffington Post interview with Qanir where he shines a bit more light on the project. Apparently the story will involve a global computer virus of unknown origins, and ideas of how artificial intelligence may emerge in the not-too-distant future. Somewhat refreshingly, it sounds like Koyakatsi‘s view of this turning point is more optimistic and hopeful than much of the popular narrative on the subject. Here’s Qanir speaking to HuffPo:

I chose Enter the Civilization of Light as our main film tag to engage the audience in the subject of what enhanced intelligence means to our species, and what new visions and perspectives it may offer. We are exposing the audience to the notion that this may be our natural next frontier — allowing us the opportunity to explore the far edges of the universe beyond our human limitations. Just as Dr. Daniel Hillis diligently expressed, ‘I’d like to find a way for consciousness to transcend the human flesh. Building a thinking machine is really a search for a kind of earthly immortality.’

Consider us cautiously intrigued. If nothing else, Koyakatsi’s robotic panther is prettier in five seconds than any of the over-designed eyesores from the Transformers franchise. Let’s just hope Koyakatsi has a script as impressive as its visual style.

You can keep track of the project, and check out some very cool concept art and images from the film, at Koyakatsi‘s official Facebook page.