Ideal Gift For The Fallout Fan: A Working Pip-Boy 3000 Replica

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

It’s nearly Halloween, so that can mean only one thing: it’s time to start Christmas shopping. The nice thing about shopping if you have a geek in your life (or are one yourself) is that there’s almost never any shortage of potential gifts that tie into your giftee’s favorite shows, movies, games, etc. Some gifts, however, are more awesome than others, and if you’ve got a fan of the Fallout videogames in your life, might we suggest this: a functional Pip-Boy 3000 replica that will make them the envy of any fanboy/fangirl gathering you’d care to visit.

For those unfamiliar with the series, the Pip-Boy is sort of like a more awesome version of a smartphone, one worn by the wanderers of the post-apocalyptic nuclear wastes. It’s a snazzy-looking gauntlet that keeps track of everything from health to inventory to mission goals. While you might not get as much practical use out of the replica as the Vault Dwellers, but it is one hell of a conversation piece.

The Pip-Boy 3000 replica was built by Zim Props, and they earn 1,000 extra Internet Points for that Nuka Cola bottlecap in the picture up above. That’s attention to detail, baby. You can see a few more pics of the Pip-Boy below, as well as a video showing how it works. Don’t leave the Vault without it!