Edge Of Tomorrow: Quit Complaining And See It This Weekend

Enough about Tom Cruise already.

By Nick Venable | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

all you need is killA Generic Title Does Not Equal a Generic Movie

I admit to getting a little angry once Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow decided to go with the meaningless title Edge of Tomorrow over the more convoluted original name, All You Need is Kill. After all, it’s based on the sci-fi light novel from Japanese author Hiroshi Sakurazaka, so it should probably stick to the same name. But it didn’t, and really doesn’t require a whole lot of thought to accept that fact. Movie titles change all the time, and the end result is usually the tamer, more generic moniker. That’s a studio thing and has nothing to do with the movie’s content, and we aren’t talking about some massive best-seller, so the point is rather moot.

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