Behind-The-Scenes Pics From Original Total Recall Leave Kuato Hanging

See Arnie chow down on a Mars burger and more.

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

I’m conflicted about the Total Recall remake. On the one hand, I think Hollywood’s obsession with remakes is becoming so toxic that we’re probably only a few years away from them announcing a remake of a movie that hasn’t even hit theaters yet. On the other, I do like the visuals and the look of the world the remake has created. Plus, I feel it’s my scientific duty to determine if Kate Beckinsale can out-hot in-her-prime Sharon Stone in the role of Quaid’s duplicitous wife. Thankfully, even if the remake sucks, I’ll always have robot cab drivers, triple-breasted hookers, and psychic tummy mutants waiting for me in the original Recall. So while we’re waiting these last few weeks for the remake to land, let’s spend some time reminiscing about how much fun the first go-round was. And while we’re at it, here’s a picture of Kuato strung up on a towel rack.

Okay, okay, I’m sure that’s a much more technical piece of equipment than a towel rack (even though it totally looks like one), but either way it’s a pretty hilarious shot of a side of Kuato we’ve never seen before. Namely, the “they had to take the actor out of the prosthetic suit before he sweated to death” side. That image and the ones below come courtesy of the always-intriguing blog of director/visual effects supervisor Gavin Rothery. While drip-dry Kuato is my favorite of the batch, this one also includes an interesting detail.

Notice the mask the cameraman is wearing? The original Recall filmed extensively in Mexico City, which at the time was notoriously bad when it came to air pollution. Many of the crew, including Verhoeven, suffered health problems from the air quality, and producer Elliot Schick even had to be medevaced out (I will not make a “Get to tha choppah!” joke. I will not make a “Get to tha choppah!” joke…).

You can see even more behind-the-scenes photos from Total Recall over at Rothery’s blog. The Total Recall remake opens on August 3rd. I’m skeptical, but I’m also trying to open my miiiiiiiiinnnnnddd…