Wrath Of Khan References Hidden In Forgotten Star Trek TNG Episode

Normally, fans would find very little in common between The Wrath of Khan and The Next Generation. The cast is different, the ship is different, and the subject matter is dramatically different between show and film. However, the movie and the series are linked in two ways that most fans have never noticed: The Wrath of Khan images are displayed in the TNG episode “The Schizoid Man,” and that episode uses a torpedo in a funeral service, seemingly referencing the death of Spock.

To showcase the connections between The Wrath of Khan and this TNG episode, we’re going to have to do a brief recap of each. In short, TWOK is about the development of the Genesis device, which can create Class-M worlds out of lifeless hunks of rock. But it can also wipe all life on a planet out, which is why it’s stolen by returning bad guy Khan, leading to a space battle grudge match with Kirk and the shocking sacrifice of Mr. Spock.
A Familiar Looking Shot

That’s it for The Wrath of Khan; as for this TNG episode, “The Schizoid Man” is about a dying scientist who transfers his brain into the android Data’s body. Before they know the switch has happened, the Enterprise crew ends up mourning the dead Dr. Graves. And while they don’t end up firing him far away from the ship, the crew does place Graves’ body in a torpedo tube for a funeral service, calling to mind how Spock’s body was placed in a casket torpedo and fired to the surface of the Genesis Planet.
And this is far from the only reference to The Wrath of Khan that this TNG episode makes. At one point, a computer display shows different images representing everything that Dr. Graves knew. If you look closely, you’ll see a number of images taken from the Project Genesis briefing video in TWOK, including a shot of the theoretical Genesis Planet.
The Genesis Device

Some of the Wrath of Khan images chosen for this TNG episode seem a little random, including multiple shots of a complex molecule from the aforementioned Genesis video. Most shots are very meaningful, though, including the formation of the Genesis Planet and the visualization of the Genesis Wave effect. Interestingly, one of the few shots from Wrath of Khan outside the video that Kirk watched is a shot of the Reliant blowing up inside the nebula, taking Project Genesis with it.
Dr. Graves

Part of what makes these Wrath of Khan images so perfect for this TNG adventure is that Dr. Graves was an expert scientist who likely would be very fascinated by Project Genesis. Additionally, Graves claims to have mentored Dr. Noonien Soong, making him one of the galaxy’s only experts at creating artificial life. Who would have more of a reason to be obsessed with creating life from lifelessness than Dr. Graves, a man who specializes in doing the same thing on a smaller scale?
Homage To Trek’s Greatest Film

It’s possible, of course, that these Wrath of Khan images were chosen more or less at random and simply tossed into this TNG episode to take up time. However, the imagery combined with the torpedo casket makes all of this seem like a very deliberate homage to Trek’s greatest film.
As huge fans of the film, we can’t help but think the homage could have been stronger. For example, with just a bit of time travel, Graves could transfer his consciousness into something far better than an android: the chest of Khan, which is feared and adored throughout the Alpha Quadrant.