Worf Confirmed To Be Enterprise E’s Captain After Picard Left
The Enterprise-E was revealed in Star Trek: Picard to have been captained by Worf following Jean-Luc Picard's promotion.

The recent ninth episode of Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season had a lot of choice moments for fans, not the least of which was when the crew took the bridge of the (well-carpeted) Enterprise-D. However, when the crew starts talking about the Enterprise-E, Worf (Michael Dorn) quickly says, “That was not my fault,” leading fans to speculate that Worf took over as Captain of that ship following Star Trek: Nemesis when Patrick Stewart’s Picard was promoted to Admiral. Screen Rant asked if this succession was canon when interviewing showrunner Terry Matalas, who said, “It does,” adding, “But I wanted to leave its exact fate open for someone to tell that story.”
Leaving the fate of the Enterprise-E up to interpretation was a smart move by Matalas, as there’s no way that story could have been covered in the little time left fans have with Star Trek: Picard. Instead, another series could have the chance to expand on this mysterious story and give us a look into what it was like with Worf captaining that Starfleet ship. If a Michael Dorn-led Worf series ever comes to fruition, this seems like the perfect part of the timeline that a savvy showrunner could tackle.
As to what could have happened to the Enterprise-E, fans are surely going to go wild with theories. The way that Worf quickly interjects about the fate of the ship, it certainly seems like something went wrong. Worf’s tenure as Captain happened after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, so there are plenty of timelines to explore between that series and Picard.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like any of the upcoming series in development would have the opportunity to explore the Enterprise E storyline. Picard and Discovery are both coming to an end, which means that we should see some new series from the Star Trek franchise in the near future. Those series include the show about Starfleet Academy and the Section 31 series starring Michelle Yeoh.
Both of those shows don’t seem like the best place to backtrack to Worf’s time as captain of the Enterprise-E. Of course, Paramount seems keen on keeping the Star Trek TV train going for the foreseeable future. You never know when someone will pitch a show and get the green light to explore some previously unexplored parts of the franchise timeline.
For now, the possible Enterprise-E storylines will have to wait as Star Trek: Picard barrels toward the final episode of the season and the series as a whole. The previous episode set up a big upcoming battle while also bringing us back to the cozy interiors of Enterprise-D. As cozy and inviting as that starship is, it’s going to take a lot more than feeling comfortable for the crew to come out on top.
You won’t get to see the Enterprise-E, but you can catch Patrick Stewart, and the rest of the crew wrap up Picard on April 20. The finale will be streaming on Paramount+. Make sure to stay tuned for more news about current and upcoming Star Trek shows.