See Willem Dafoe As Green Goblin In The New Spider-Man: No Way Home Poster
We have one of our first chances to see Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin in the latest Spider-Man: No Way Home promotional poster

Spider-Man: No Way Home is about the turn the comic book and superhero movie landscape completely on its head. Gone are the days when a franchise ended and the characters were never to be seen again. The Multiverse is about to “cure” all of those “problems” pretty quickly with this next movie and it means the return of some of the best villains the genre has had to offer. One of those will be Willem Dafoe returning as Norman Osborn/ Green Goblin, who offered up the first real challenge to Spider-Man on the big screen almost two decades ago. And we got one of our first chances to see his return with the latest release of the No Way Home poster (via DiscussingFilm).
You have to squint to see it at first, with the Spider-Man; No Way Home poster wanting to call the most attention to, of course, Tom Hollard, the web-slinger himself. And then the second reference is to Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus. The mechanical arms are taking over much of the frame with that villain clearly at the heart of some of Peter’s problems in this flick. But if you look closely, you can see Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin hovering in the upper-right hand corner on his glider from the first Spider-Man movie. Check it out:

Get a closer look at Willem Dafoe on the poster in this zoomed in image:

It isn’t a surprise to get Willem Dafoe back in the mix as Green Goblin for No Way Home. Though the production has been clouded in considerable secrecy, Dafoe returning to the mix has been known for a bit now. And it was all but confirmed when we heard the trademark sinister cackle at the end of the first trailer for the movie. Along with Doctor Octopus, the Green Goblin will be returning along with Jamie Foxx’s Electro and some others to possibly make up the Sinister Six. It is a unique challenge for Holland’s Spider-Man and also rather unprecedented in the history of movies considering these characters were from completely different iterations of the franchise.
Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin met his maker at the end of 2002s Spider-Man, the Sam Raimi flick that is largely credited with putting comic book movies on their meteoric path over the next couple of decades. Dafoe was masterful in the part, perfect casting as Osborn who begins his descent into madness while coming on as the deadly Green Goblin. The implementation of the Multiverse for Marvel/ Sony means that though he died at the end of that film, in other timelines he’s very much alive. As Peter Parker works to undo some of the events of Far From Home with the “assist” from Doctor Strange, he’s going to run into different villains along the way.
Though Willem Dafoe and others are back from the original Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire and then the reboot with Andrew Garfield’s The Amazing Spider-Man it’s still a bit unclear if those two web-slingers themselves will make appearances in this next movie. Rampant speculation and rumoring is that both are involved in some way and that Tom Holland will meet the other versions of “himself” in the film. But that’s still yet to be officially confirmed by the studio. Time will tell on that one and we will know for sure when Spider-Man: No Way Home releases into theaters on December 17th.