The Stephen King Horror Sequel You Can Stream Without Netflix

Perhaps no genre is better for anthology films than horror…everyone is scared of something different, so a buffet of various frights offers a little something for everyone. Correspondingly, we’ve had plenty of great spooky anthologies, including All Hallow’s Eve, which introduced us to Art the Clown. However, nothing since has topped Creepshow 2, the George Romero horror anthology of scary Stephen King tales you can stream on Tubi and Prime Video.
Three Meaty Short Stories

If you’re not familiar with the Creepshow formula, this sequel serves up a variety of terrifying tales courtesy of our host, the Creep. Unlike most modern anthologies and even the first film, Creepshow 2 has very few stories, giving us only three narratives about different hapless characters and their gruesome killers. That makes these individual stories feel very meaty, each a small film unto itself.
The Creep

Creepshow 2 is perfectly cast, with horror icon Tom Savini bringing the Creep to life. The movie also has great character actors like George Kennedy and Tom Wright. And legendary horror author Stephen King even pops up in a memorable role where he is clearly having plenty of fun within his own fictional world
Launched A Successful Franchise

When Creepshow 2 came out, it scared up some ghoulish profits, earning $14 million against a budget of only $4 million. The screenplay by Night of the Living Dead creator George Romero won over both horror fiends and general audiences, eventually leading to a forgettable sequel in 2006. On a happier note, it also led to a Creepshow series on Shudder that might just be the best modern horror show (sorry, Walking Dead).
The Critic And Audience Divide

While Creepshow 2 found a niche audience that has only grown over the years, and while it impressed genre fans, it didn’t exactly wow critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a critical score of 29 percent. In general, critics thought the movie could have benefited from more complex stories and more overtly frightening moments.
With respect to the critics, this assessment of Creepshow 2 is wholly incorrect. The stories aren’t simple so much as streamlined, with little in the way of extra fat. The filmmakers admittedly take their time to flesh out the characters rather than giving us nameless cannon fodder victims, but that helps make their inevitable deaths that much more powerful.
A Lasting Influence On Horror

Going beyond the Stephen King narratives (which are great, coming from the prolific spooky scribe at his best), Creepshow 2 also has all the hallmarks of great horror films. We get great splatter effects, memorable monsters, and well-acted characters that you love to hate. These movies are spine-tingling and innovative, offering one fresh scare after another.
Plus, the more you love horror, the more essential it is to watch Creepshow 2. The movie has had a profound effect on generations of filmmakers and continues to influence the way we tell spooky stories onscreen. Whether you want to learn the fundamentals of the genre or just revisit the classics, this film is required viewing for any true horror fiend.
Streaming For Free

Will you find Creepshow 2 as original and frightening as we did, or is this a horror anthology you’d rather tape over on your favorite VCR? You won’t know until you stream it on Tubi or Amazon Prime Video today. Either way, viewing this classic team-up between horror maestros George Romero and Stephen King is your chance to enjoy a cult part of horror history.