Star Trek: Picard Just Introduced The Enterprise G, Watch Her Fly
My friends, we've come home.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 began with the premise that the Enterprise F, successor ship to the movie-used Enterprise E, was about to be retired. Today season 3 ended with the F’s successor, the Enterprise G. Here she is…

If you think her shape looks familiar, you’re right. She’s actually the New Constitution Class USS Titan A, the once ship captained by Liam Shaw and used as our hero ship throughout season three of Picard.
The Enterprise G’s captain is the freshly promoted Captain Seven of Nine, with her girlfriend, Commander Raffi Musiker as her first officer. There’s a Picard on board too. Jack Crusher (Picard’s son) serves as an Ensign, and Seven has, for some reason, made him a special counselor advisor to the Captain.
Picard’s grand finale ends with the USS Titan A being renamed in honor of Jean-Luc Picard and his crew. A crew that has saved the Earth multiple times while aboard their own version of the USS Enterprise.

It’s a perfect ending and not entirely without precedent. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ends with the introduction of the Enterprise A, which is actually another Consitution class ship that was renamed the Enterprise in Kirk’s honor.

Renaming the Titan does, however, present a few odd problems. First off, the Titan name is a famous ship name in its own right. If it wasn’t, there wouldn’t have been a Titan A. So erasing the name of another famous ship to give it to an even more famous ship is an odd precedent.
It would have made more logical sense for Starfleet to rename some other less well-known ship as the new Enterprise. It would have made sense, but it wouldn’t have felt as earned.
For ten episodes, we’ve watched the Titan earn the name Enterprise. Renaming her seems like the culmination of what we’ve watched the ship’s crew and the ship herself go through, over the course of Star Trek: Picard’s season 3 journey. Maybe it’s not a logical decision, but it’s a satisfying one.

Introducing the Enterprise G, and continuing that legacy, is the best way to end one of the greatest single seasons of Star Trek television. My friends, we’ve come home.