See Chris Pratt As Booster Gold, DC’s New Superhero
Chris Pratt has been implemented into the role of Booster Gold in new online art.

Once upon a time, Chris Pratt was known as that chubby guy on Parks and Recreation, but these days, he headlines major action franchises like Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. And now that James Gunn has announced that we will be getting a DCU movie focused on underdog time-traveling hero Booster Gold, there have been strong rumors that Pratt may be suiting up for a brand new superhero adaptation. You can get a good look at exactly what Pratt might look like when he’s rocking Booster’s blue and yellow costume down below:
The first image of Chris Pratt is interesting because it takes the scruffiness of Pratt’s normal characters and imagines Booster Gold with a very small beard and mustache. This is a departure from the clean-shaven character from the comics and the Justice League Unlimited show, but we have to admit that it looks pretty good. If nothing else, the “haven’t had time to shave for a few days” appearance would certainly be in line with Booster’s loser-with-a-heart-of-gold energy.

The second image of Chris Pratt as Booster Gold ditches the scruff and imagines what a literal comic adaptation of Pratt as this DC superhero would look like. Notable features include the curly hair and Pratt’s trademark mischievous look behind the superhero mask. If Pratt does get confirmed to play this iconic hero, it will likely be because he has the comedic chops necessary to sell a relatively lesser-known superhero to mainstream audiences that mostly don’t know who he is.
Of course, that is the real challenge of adapting this particular character to the silver screen. While Gunn is likely trying to move away from the old DCEU way of doing things, DC characters on film have been relatively gritty, with only characters like Shazam (played by Zachary Levi) and The Flash (played by Ezra Miller) getting to express much humor. Given that those respective actors have become sources of controversy for Warner Bros., the studio would likely look to Chris Pratt to be affable both on and offscreen, and that’s exactly what this next image shows us.
Out of all the images of what Chris Pratt might look like as Booster Gold, this is arguably the most heroic. It obscures his eyes, which is accurate to many of his comic portrayals, although this could be an issue on the big screen (one of the reasons that heroes are always whipping off their masks in these movies is to show us there is a person underneath the CGI heroics). However, the image projects the kind of quiet confidence and warm colors that, quite frankly, the DCU could really use.
Ultimately, whether Chris Pratt gets the role of Booster Gold is a bit of a coin toss. He’s a very hot property in Hollywood at the moment, but there was a bit of a backlash to him getting cast as the voice of Mario, especially when the first trailer for the Super Mario Bros. Movie first dropped. If he does get to play the famous DC hero onscreen, we can only hope that his first line of dialogue is, “it’s a-me, Booster Gold.”