Polling Says Star Trek Fans Agree: Starships Need Carpet
A poll of Star Trek fans confirms that the audience prefers starships with carpets.

Patrick Stewart’s Picard boarded the restored bridge of the cozy and inviting USS-D Enterprise D in the penultimate episode of Picard Season 3 and said, “It wasn’t until this moment, reunited with all of you, I realized what I’ve missed most. The carpet.” Star Trek fans wholeheartedly agree with him, as we did a recent poll to see if more starships should work carpet into their design plans:

The “yays” undoubtedly have it, and more people would like to see more carpets in more starships. Just looking at the USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek makes it fairly obvious that carpet is the right choice. If you had to spend years out in space, would you rather have a cozy and comfortable place to relax or cold, utilitarian metal floors that are clearly inferior?
Starships with plush, luxurious carpets are few and far between on Star Trek, but it’s not the only major offending sci-fi series that sacrifices cozy floors. Carpetless starships seem to be the norm, as there’s nary an accent rug in sight in many Star Wars ships as well. The Death Star is already a crappy assignment for any Stormtrooper, but it could be a little better if they threw a runner or two down in the shiny metal hallways.
Of course, the Empire are bad guys, and bad guys don’t deserve a fuzzy carpet to warm their toes. But you’d think Han could at least get Lando to smuggle him a nice rug from Coruscant to make the Millenium Falcon a bit cozier. At least Star Trek is starting to treat its good guys right by putting Picard back into the comfortable interiors of the USS Enterprise-D.
Unfortunately, we won’t be getting to spend too much more time on the USS Enterprise-D, as Star Trek: Picard will be coming to an end next week. The tenth episode will be the final episode of the season and the series. We’ll have to enjoy our time in those carpeted interiors while we can.

Hopefully, we get to see the carpeted Enterprise-D survive the ensuing battle that was set up in the most recent episode. Without spoiling anything, Picard and his crew should have quite the explosive send-off in the finale. The third season of Star Trek: Picard has undoubtedly been the best season yet, and it’s looking like the finale will be a fitting end for the TNG crew.
Maybe we’ll get lucky, and some of the other ongoing Star Trek shows will take a cue from Picard and add some carpet to those starship decks. Fans still have new seasons of Discovery, Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy to look forward to. Discovery will also end after its upcoming season, which means we should be getting new information about the reported Starfleet Academy and Michelle-Yeoh-starring Section 31 show soon.
In the meantime, make sure to check out the carpeted decks of the Enterprise-D one last time in the Star Trek: Picard series finale. The episode will hit Paramount+ on April 20. You can also see if there’s a special IMAX screening of the finale near you.