A Missing Marvel Hero Is Trending Because Of The Thor: Love And Thunder Trailer
Not everyone fans hoped for is in the new Thor trailer.
This article is more than 2 years old

The very first Thor: Love and Thunder teaser trailer is finally here and so far fans seem pretty psyched for the upcoming Marvel blockbuster. Christian Bale’s Gorr doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the teaser but we get our first looks at several new Thor outfits, Korg in his new get-up, Valkyrie dealing with less than exciting matters of state, and our first — albeit brief — glance at Russell Crowe as Zeus. But one Marvel hero’s name started trending on Twitter just because of their absence from the film and no, surprisingly, we’re not talking about Tom Hiddelston’s Loki. Instead, it’s Zoe Saldaña’s Gamora that fans are missing.
Dropping Monday morning, the official Marvel teaser for Thor: Love and Thunder includes neither hide nor hair of Gamora. The Marvel movie viewing order goes something like this: Gamora was last seen in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. While the version that appeared in the first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies is murdered in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, the follow-up sees a time-lost Gamora — from 2014 — brought into the present with the rest of Thanos’ armies, though she turns on her adoptive father. The last we see of the Guardians in Endgame, it’s clear Star-Lord is intent on finding the new/old version of his lost love. But, she’s nowhere to be found in the Love and Thunder trailer. You can see for yourself below.
Star-Lord, Mantis, Nebula, Groot, Rocket, and Drax all appear in the trailer Marvel just dropped — Star-Lord more prominently than the rest — but no Gamora. Of course, while most fans know exactly why there’s no Gamora, that doesn’t mean they aren’t still a little upset about the situation. You can see some examples of those reactions below.
At least one fans still seems a little confused about Gamora’s absence, and it’s tough to blame them. Between delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, James Gunn’s firing from Marvel, and his eventual rehiring; it feels like forever since we last saw the Guardians. By the time we finally get to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 next year, it will have been six years between their films; that’s double the amount of time between 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy and 2017’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. So it’s understandable that a fan or two, like the one below, may need a refresher.
Of course, unlike between the first two Guardians movies, Marvel will be giving us more chances to see the heroes before Guardians Vol. 3. Along with seeing the space-bound heroes in Thor: Love and Thunder, they’re set to appear later this year on Disney+ in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Interestingly, Marvel has confirmed Zoe Saldaña will appear in the Holiday Special. It suggests either that the Guardians will reunite with Gamora in the Holiday Special or by the end of Love and Thunder, or perhaps Gamora’s appearance will be in a flashback or in another, less predictable manner.