Mark Hamill Honored By Fans With Hilarious Website
Mark Hamill might be the most beloved celebrity on the planet, and now he has a hilarious website that is dedicated to that fact.
This article is more than 2 years old

Mark Hamill gets plenty of love from his fans, but only a handful actually create websites in his honor. One website, however, just went to the front of the line in honoring the 70-year-old actor. On Wednesday morning, a fan tweeted at Hamill to check out the website The man behind Luke Skywalker was surprised to see that the domain pointed right back to his own Twitter account. The actor was delighted by the honor, as was his Twitter fanbase, which now numbers over 5 million.
So I clicked on & have to admit it WAS a surprise! 🤣
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 29, 2022
(but I have the MAGA crowd's hate-tweets to disprove it) 🤬
The revelation came after Mark Hamill pointed out that the domain points directly to Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page. Hamill often posts about his disgust for the former President, so he takes plenty of opportunities to throw shade at him. Even though he tweeted before the 2020 election that he looked forward to not having to tweet about politics once Trump was out of office, he seems to be even more politically opinionated these days. His political tweets seem to divide his fan base right down the middle, but he remains unapologetic about his outspoken views. That may be why he referenced in his tweet that the “MAGA crowd’s hate tweets” might disprove the “Most Loved Man” title.
Should read: "Someone said if I clicked on I would be surprised, so I did, but I wasn't.
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 28, 2022
A quick search on ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which governs who owns a web domain) shows that the website domain was just registered yesterday, but it isn’t clear if the domain was assigned to point to Hamill’s Twitter account because of the actor’s tweet. The registration is also private, so we don’t know who is behind it. No one has yet to come forward to take credit as the website’s owner.
It’s been more than forty years since the release of the original Star Wars, and those in charge of the franchise have certainly changed with the times. George Lucas is no longer the head of Lucasfilm and the franchise, after a 2012 sale to Disney, and rarely discusses or provides input into the current direction of his creation. Many of the original actors have passed on, including Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Kenny Baker, and Dave Prowse. In this current Disney era, however, Mark Hamill has stepped into more of a leadership role in preserving the legacy of Lucas’ original vision and has become a “goodwill ambassador” of sorts. As a sort of figurehead for Star Wars, he has helped unite fans, often speaking out positively about the films and series. He recently heaped praise on Grant Feely, the child cast to play young Luke Skywalker in the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi. He also recently spoke out about his love of the oft-maligned Prequel Trilogy, which is now seeing a rise in popularity, mostly because fans are now oft-maligning the Sequel Trilogy.
Most of Hamill’s work post-Star Wars never rose to the success of the original trilogy, but he has had a very successful voice-over career, most notably as The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series and other Batman cartoon and video game properties. He has also seen a resurgence in acting roles since his appearance in the Sequel Trilogy. He most recently joined the cast of Netflix’s long-awaited Sandman series, based on the classic DC comic book, in which he will play Mervyn Pumpkinhead. He will be seen next in Peter Atencio’s The Machine, as well as in another Netflix series, The Fall of the House of Usher, which is currently filming.