Karen Gillan Returning To Doctor Who On One Condition?
What would it take?
This article is more than 2 years old

A possibility that could in time become a reality — Karen Gillan has said she would consider returning to the science fiction world of Doctor Who. But, like all good things, the actress said there’s a hook. Although it’s been years since the critically acclaimed actress zoomed through space and time, it sounds like she’d at the very least, consider doing it again. During a recent interview with Wired, Karen Gillan seemed to fondly look back at her time working on the sci-fi series, but with one catch. She said her number one requirement in order to return would be for both Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill to join her. “Never say never,” Gillan commented when questioned about being swept back up into the Who-verse, adding she would “be really, really interested and keen” before dropping her prerequisite. You can see her talking about that and answering other questions below.
A beloved series since it first hit airwaves back in 1963, Doctor Who follows a wacky Time Lord as they travel through history to tackle the world’s greatest problems. Propelling the Doctor’s travel is the Time and Relative Dimensions in Space aka TARDIS, a spaceship that typically conceals itself as a blue police phone box. As the seasons went on, viewers were introduced to the idea of “regeneration,” which is when a Time Lord changes his appearance thus giving another actor a shot at the role. After a whopping 26 seasons on air, the original series wrapped in 1989.
Although fans pushed for a reboot in 1996, the reimagining proved to fall just short of a success. It wouldn’t be until Russell T. Davies revived the series in 2005 that the show would make its comeback. Although Christopher Eccleston initially led the revamp, the actor would depart after one season giving fan favorite actor, David Tennant, a chance to scoop up the role of the Doctor. Given this breath of fresh air, the series got the boost it needed to continue through today. When Davies took a bow, writer Steven Moffat stepped in and brought in Matt Smith to portray the Eleventh Doctor alongside his married pals, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill). Those years were some of the best for the series, with fans and critics alike praising the trio.
Since her time starring on the global smash hit series, Karen Gillan has been extremely busy making a name for herself on the silver screen. The actress nabbed a coveted role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Nebula, a bad gal turned good in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise where she also appeared in Avengers: Endgame. Keeping the energy up, Gillan took on a role in both action packed follow up films to 1995’s Jumanji. Outside several of Hollywood’s biggest blockbuster hits, Gillan recently starred in Navot Papushado’s Gunpowder Milkshake. The actress will next be seen in Riley Stearns’ Dual and Judd Apatow’s, The Bubble.
While Gillan’s demand for a Doctor Who return may sound like quite the feat, it’s completely in the realm of possibilities. Many changes have been made over the years to the world of Doctor Who which makes it completely plausible for Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, and Arthur Darvill to all come back for at least one episode. Our bet is that if the three approached production to make a return to the series, they’d be more than happy to oblige.