Henry Cavill Unhappy With Being Ditched As Superman, Pushing To Join Marvel?
A new report states that Henry Cavill isn't happy with DC's plans to reboot Superman, and it looking to team up with Marvel.
This article is more than 2 years old

Last week, Warner Bros and DC announced that they are working on a Superman reboot film, which is being produced by J.J. Abrams and written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, who has previously written several Black Panther and Captain America comics. While there aren’t any other concrete details available about this new film, a new rumor suggests that Henry Cavill, the current Superman, isn’t happy with the reboot and has reached out to Marvel in the wake of the news.
The rumor comes from Daniel Richtman, who posted this piece of gossip on his Patreon page. However, this rumor should be taken with a massive grain of salt, since this rumor assumes that Cavill wouldn’t have been made known that this massive change was happening within the DC Universe, and that Cavill would automatically move to another superhero brand seemingly out of spite.
So let’s break this rumor down piece-by-piece. Even though DC is working on a reboot of Superman, that doesn’t mean that Henry Cavill isn’t involved in some other Superman project. Last year, there were rumors that Henry Cavill had signed a new deal that would have him return as Superman for multiple films. While it was never made clear if this new contract was just another rumor or a done deal, the gossip around this new deal stated that Warner Bros. was impressed with the new ideas Cavill had about the direction of the character. It’s possible that DC just wants a tonally different Superman film from the darker style that Zack Snyder brought to the series.

By that measure, if Henry Cavill signed a new contract, then he would undoubtedly know what the next plans for Superman were. If he didn’t sign a new contract, it’s clear he’s not really invested in returning to the character anyways. But something that this rumor almost intentionally ignores is that there are rumors The Flash will introduce the multiverse, primarily, considering the rumors that Michael Keaton will be returning as Bruce Wayne. If DC does open up the multiverse, it’s entirely possible there could be a rebooted Superman and Cavill’s Superman as well.
But it’s also strange to think that not only would Henry Cavill have no idea that a new Superman was in development, but that he would immediately go to DC’s competitor to seek new employment. It seems extremely odd and unlikely that Cavill would go from playing the central character in the Justice League, and then play some other part in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Besides that, Cavill still has The Witcher franchise to keep him busy, a potential Mass Effect movie franchise, and the possibility of more films in the Enola Holmes series. Even if – theoretically – DC did fire Cavill without his knowledge, it doesn’t seem as though the actor would have any difficulty finding more work.
At this point, we’re only a few days since DC announced this new Superman film, and already the rumors are kind of crazy. As of right now, all we truly know for certain is that Coates and Abrams are working on a new Superman film.