Bad Bunny’s Marvel Movie Landed A Director
Bad Bunny is set to star in Marvel's El Muerto, which has landed director Jonás Cuarón.
This article is more than 2 years old
Grammy-winning rapper and singer, Bad Bunny’s Marvel movie now has a director signed on. El Muerto is scheduled to be released in 2024 and will be directed by Jonás Cuarón. Son of Alfonso Cuarón, this new director is leading the latino film.
Like many rappers before him, Bad Bunny’s Marvel stint is a run at acting. His debut role was a short but integral part in the movie Bullet Train. He has also been recently cast in a new feature that is currently in pre-production called American Sole.
Taking on a Marvel lead was once quite a feat, but as the MCU continues to expand and break off, this endeavor may be the niche landing needed to gain the artist some solid big-screen notoriety. Pairing up with Cuarón may also aid Bad Bunny’s Marvel debut. The director gained notice with his writing abilities on the film Gravity in 2013 and he helped his father, writer and director Alfonso Cuarón with the script.

He then branched off onto a few of his own projects which led to him being tasked with Bad Bunny’s Marvel movie. El Muerto was born in the Spider-verse. The antihero is a wrestler with generational superpowers who must prove his worth in order to retain these abilities and stay alive.
In this story, Juan Carlos is expected to step into his father’s shoes and fight to claim his birthright, but he refuses. His father sacrifices himself for his son and Juan Carlos is left to prepare to earn his fate. He becomes El Muerto and ends up wrestling Spiderman, so Bad Bunny’s Marvel flick has a lot to live up to.
Spiderman is an integral part of this story. Just how much audiences will see, if any, of Peter Parker is uncertain. What is known is that in gaining a well-trained director, Bad Bunny and Marvel can draw from Cuarón’s own father-son connections for inspiration.
In 2015, Cuarón won an International Critics Award at the Toronto Film Festival for his movie Desierto. He co-wrote and directed the movie, which took on immigration issues with political sympathies. By hiring him and Bad Bunny for this Marvel project, concerns about identity politics may surface, especially being that the writer hired to work with the team has just 3 credits to his name.
Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer has signed on as screenwriter. Whether he can properly whip up lines that aid Bad Bunny’s Marvel acting stint is uncertain. He co-wrote Contrapelo, a short film that was released 8 years ago, Miss Bala in 2019, and another feature being released next year.
How El Muerto manifests with such a raw team is uncertain. Both the writer and director are still pretty green in terms of credits and successes, just as Bad Bunny’s new Marvel role will be a tall order for someone with so few acting credits. Despite this, the project is building a buzz for its latino base and hoping to draw in hispanic audiences who may be prepared for their own stories to be told their way through mainstream mediums.