Watch Alicia Vikander Transform Her Body To Become Lara Croft
With Alicia Vikander planning to return to the role of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2, a series of videos shows Vikander's transformation for the role.
This article is more than 2 years old

Lara Croft is one of the most famous video game characters of all-time, one that was previously brought to life by Angelina Jolie in the films Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life. When Alicia Vikander took over the role of Croft in 2018’s Tomb Raider, she had big shoes to fill in terms of the character and previous performance. In a series of training videos, we can see just how much work Vikander had to put in to transform herself into Lara Croft.
These videos, hosted by Magnus Lygdbäck, a Hollywood trainer and nutritionist, show Alicia Vikander’s workouts as well as eating habits that allowed her to turn into Lara Croft. In a video from late last year, Lygdbäck shows the insane workout Vikander had to undergo during preparation for the role.
In a recent video from Lygdbäck, he explains the diet that Vikander ate for several weeks prior to and during the filming of Tomb Raider. Her Keto diet featured five meals throughout the day, including a morning snack and a post-lunch snack. Lygdbäck details that her snacks might consist of a protein shake or octopus salad, while her meals were mostly based around fish, vegetables, and nuts.
Domestically, Alicia Vikander’s Tomb Raider did worse than Angelina Jolie’s two films, making only $58 million at the North American box office. However worldwide, Vikander’s take on Lara Croft only about $50,000 less than Angelina Jolie’s first Tomb Raider film, making $274 million worldwide. Tomb Raider was also a critical disappointment, as the film currently has a 52% on Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer, with a 55% audience score.
Yet, a second Tomb Raider starring Alicia Vikander is currently in development. Misha Green who is the showrunner for HBO’s Lovecraft Country will be writing and directing the latest film. While there were previous plans to start filming this second Tomb Raider in 2020 with the film’s original director Ben Wheatley, the production was understandably delayed, which led Green to take over writing and directing duties. When the film was delayed, Tomb Raider 2 was taken off the release schedule, so it’s unclear when this sequel will eventually be released.
After being nominated for two Golden Globes in 2016 for her work in The Danish Girl and Ex Machina, and receiving an Academy Award for her performance in The Danish Girl, Alicia Vikander has done a combination of smaller films and bigger action productions. Vikander appeared in 2016’s Jason Bourne before starring in Tomb Raider. But Vikander has quite a few major films coming up soon, in addition to Tomb Raider 2. The actress has already finished filming Blue Bayou, and Beckett for Netflix, and she will also be starring in The Green Knight from A Ghost Story’s David Lowery.

One has to expect that with Tomb Raider 2 on the way, Alicia Vikander is likely going back to such a strenuous workout routine and strict diet regimen to continue playing Lara Croft in this series. While it’s not clear when we will see the return of Lara Croft, it seems like we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Vikander in the next few years.