Pepsi and Peeps Are Combining To Release Marshmallow Soda

Pepsi and Peeps are teaming up for a marshmallow soda drink that is sure to dial the sugar levels up to crazy levels for next Easter season.

By Doug Norrie | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Pepsi Peeps
Credit: Pepsi x Peeps

I’m not sure how many people asked for this but folks are going to get it anyway. For the next Easter season, a soda brand and a marshmallow candy are teaming up to give us a drink that is sure to pump the sugar levels way up and over any real acceptable number. But that’s where we are these days. Team ups and crossovers are all the rage. That’s right, Pepsi and Peeps have announced they will be making a marshmallow soda for a decidedly holiday-themed drink.

The new pairing between Pepsi and Peeps will be called Marshmallow Cola and will come in smaller (7.5 oz) cans in three packs. Whether this is because the folks realize that the idea is mostly kitsch and the taste will be mostly meh, leading to less guzzling isn’t quite known. The new mash-up of sugar won’t be available for this Easter, much to the chagrin of 9-year-olds everywhere I’m sure, but the plan is to start rolling them out early next year to gear up for basket season. 

The packaging for the Peeps and Pepsi drink will have elements of both brands in it. The overall box is in the distinctive Peeps yellow, a classic coloring for the once-a-year marshmallow candies. Meanwhile the cans will be a mix of pastel, Easter-y colors in pink, blue and also yellow. The iconic red-white-blue Pepsi logo does seem to pop off this color scheme though and will no doubt draw the eye when it finally hits shelves. 

Pepsi Peeps
Credit: Pepsi x Peeps

Pepsi, of course, is consistently among the most popular soda brands, in a constant fight with Coca-Cola for that top spot. It’s been this way for years with few others in the game really even coming close to the top two. Considering it’s been around for almost 130 years at this point, the drink has some serious staying power. 

Meanwhile, Peeps doesn’t quite rank up there with the Easter popularity when it comes to the candy brands. It’s always contending with the likes of the Cadbury Eggs, rebranded candies in pastel colors like M&Ms, standard jelly beans, and the ever-popular and almost never finished chocolate Easter bunny. 

How this new Pepsi and Peeps mashup, Marshmallow Cola fares on the shelves remains to be seen. It does appear more of a marketing gimmick (aren’t they all at this time of year) than something one would actually enjoy drinking. That’s just this author’s opinion though again, I might not be exactly in the right demographic (sugar hopped up pre-teen) to be a good discerning eye for market taste and value. 

And if this team-up happened next year around the Easter holiday, know that this time period remains one of the peak times for sugar sales and consumption, rivaling even Halloween for candy flying off the shelf. Back in 2015, Americans were spending an average of around $80 per household on candy leading up to the holiday. It doesn’t take getting dressed up in a silly costume and walking door-to-door to win the sugar battle. The Easter bunny may have taken the top prize. And now he’ll have a Pepsi and Peeps can to drop into baskets.