Home Alone Actually Happened This Year To Six-Year-Old

While it has become one of the most beloved Christmas movies in history, the plot of Home Alone has always made some audiences incredulous. After all, what are the odds that parents could fly away during the holidays and not realize their child isn’t with them?
Now, one incredible incident has proven that the plot of the film isn’t nearly as farfetched as skeptics once thought. One six-year-old who was flying without an accompanying guardian was accidentally put on the wrong Spirit Airlines flight, and he ended up flying to Orlando, Florida instead of Fort Myers, Florida, where his grandmother lives.
Similar To The Plot Of Home Alone 2

Of course, both the starting location and intended destination for this poor kid were different from what we saw in Home Alone. In that first film, young Macaulay Culkin’s character lives in Chicago and his family flies to Paris. In real life, this child lives in Philadelphia, and he was supposed to visit his grandmother in Florida.
Amusingly, this whole affair is a bit closer to the plot of Home Alone 2. In that film, the family is planning a Christmas vacation to Miami, but Culkin’s character accidentally boards the wrong flight, ending up lost in New York (hence, the subtitle for the film).
Spirit Airlines Handles The Mishap

Perhaps the main reason that this wayward six-year-old didn’t end up recreating the adventures of either Home Alone movie is that he was never truly alone. Spirit Airlines was quick to point out that “the child was always under the care and supervision of a Spirit Team Member.” Furthermore, the airline clarified that as soon as they realized the error, “ we took immediate steps to communicate with the family and reconnect them.”
One of the reasons the airline presumably wants to get out ahead of this story is that the events don’t make them look very good. The child’s grandmother is much more protective of her grandson than Culkin’s family was in Home Alone, and as soon as she got his phone, she went to retrieve her son from Orlando. She says that Spirit kindly offered to reimburse her for the cost of the drive, but she is more concerned with figuring out how this mistake with the airline could have happened in the first place.
How Did The Child Get On The Wrong Flight?

When watching Home Alone, it’s easy to shake our heads in disapproval when the entire family manages to forget that they left a young child behind. In real life, Spirit’s refusal to clarify how this mistake managed to occur certainly makes it seem like someone at the airline made a mistake. Fortunately, the airline has not only apologized to the family in question but has begun to conduct an internal investigation in an attempt to rectify the issue and make future flights safer.
A Happy Reunion

The entire incident bears only some surface-level resemblance to Home Alone, but we’re happy to report that it ended the same way as that iconic film…with the child being reunited with his loving family. Hopefully, Spirit Airlines will take steps to ensure something like this never happens again, and the family has learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of young children flying around unaccompanied at Christmas.
Now, we mostly have one question for this Florida kid: in his many flights throughout the state, did he end up running into Donald Trump like Kevin McAlister did in Home Alone 2?Source: CNN