Dunder Mifflin Blamed For Ballot Problems In Pennsylvania

Dunder Mifflin was hilariously blamed for the paper shortage during voting in Pennsylvania.

By Ross Tyson | Published

Is Michael Scott an enemy of democracy? New tweets believe so, as voting machines in Luverne County, Pennsylvania ran out of paper on the most important day of 2022, per sources at The Hill. With a shortage of paper and the still-in-use hybrid digital model most modern voting machines use, many took to Twitter to voice their displeasure at the wait times and point fingers at who they thought was to blame, notably the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin from the NBC classic The Office.

While a lot of strange coincidences have happened in the past year that often makes us the question “Does earth just have bad writers this season?”, this one might take the cake as Luverne County is the home of our favorite Dunder Mifflin employees, Scranton, PA, being the home base of The Office’s colorful characters.

The Office

While not much was provided for why the shortage happened, Judge Lesa S. Geib, herself a local, issued an emergency order to rectify the situation and extend the voting deadline by two hours. Though it was too late to curb the flow of The Office jokes coming from Twitter and other sources. 

Many users have noted that it is suspicious that a polling station, located centrally to both the Dunder Mifflin and the former Michael Scott Paper Company, would run out of paper on such a monumental day. Tensions have been rising in the United States as politics take the forefront, with everyone championing their own horse. This begs the question, was this an intentional bid by either Michael Scott or Dunder Mifflin as an entity to subvert American democracy?

While none of the characters ever specifically mention their political standings, it’s not hard to believe that some of the bigger players behind Dunder Mifflin may have used the Scranton office’s frequent shenanigans as their opportunity to move things their way. Another theory is that one of the workers, Creed Bratton, may have unintentionally sourced the paper for his own religious pamphlets to hand out. 

While the office located in Scranton was a hotbed of local and regional drama in the show, it usually didn’t stem beyond their corporate scope. There was one incident of a watermark due to failed quality control, but even then, those could be used for ballot purposes if necessary.

While most are gravitating toward the Dunder Mifflin theory, others are attributing it to one individual- Michael Gary Scott, a lifelong resident of Scranton and manager of the office located there. Whether it be due to malice or sheer childlike stupidity, nobody can really agree. Scott does have a history of royally screwing up, but usually, only for those, he’s in direct contact with.

The last suspect on most minds is longtime employee Creed Bratton, a former hippie, cult leader, cult member, and possibly Scranton Strangler. Usually quiet around the office building, Creed has been known to have many shady side gigs, selling fake IDs, illegal substances, and more. 

As far as the real culprit? We may never know. Dwight Schrute is surprisingly not under suspicion by most, despite his lobbying for lowered taxes on farm equipment and opposition to zoning laws for multiple rental properties that exist in his own home. One thing is for sure no matter who did it- somehow Dunder Mifflin, specifically the office in Scranton, PA, was responsible.