Oblivion IMAX Poster Shows Tom Cruise Staring Off Into The Abyss

By Nick Venable | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

oblivion poster

For a movie like Oblivion, you’re either with it or you’re not. It’s looking to be the first major blockbuster of 2013 that doesn’t involve James Franco wearing a top hat. So even if this isn’t your particular brand of sci-fi tea, you’ll have to put up with it as it rakes in all that Tom Cruise cash that Jack Reacher forgot to keep earning.

A lot of that money is going to come from the Oblivion‘s IMAX release, which the film was pretty much intended for, as this featurette explained. So it makes absolute sense that it would also get an IMAX-exclusive poster, as seen above. A poster that I’m sure inspired many people to holler out, “Jump! Jump!”

This poster works for me, much more so than the ones that feature close-ups of Cruise or co-star Morgan Freeman superimposed onto CGI backgrounds. Like the daunting first poster where Cruise’s Jack Harper stands on a rock, looking up at the landlocked cityscape, this IMAX poster adds an equal sense of scale, as Harper stands on the edge of his spaceship platform, staring out into the clouded abyss beneath him; an oblivion, if you will. It’s also further proof that Joseph Kosinski’s sophomore effort still isn’t afraid to hide the face of its leading man and main box office draw.

Personally, I’m invested in this movie based solely on faith, as I’ve no idea of Kosinski’s directing capabilities, having not watched Tron: Legacy. I’m still on the fence about whether I’d like to see this flick in an IMAX or not, but perhaps when it hits theaters in a couple of weeks on April 19th, I’ll have figured it out. Or maybe Tom Cruise will appear to me in a dream. Gotta remember to keep an ice pick near the bed.