Farscape: Everything You Need To Know About The Comics Before The Movie

Here's what happened after The Peacekeeper Wars.

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

SunAeryn Sun Became Commandant of the Peacekeepers
As the comics began, Aeryn was having trouble settling into the role of a new mother. After all, she may have been conceived by parents who were in love — a rare exception among the Peacekeepers — but other than that they played almost no role in her upbringing. In a way, the quest to learn about Deke’s powers is exactly what Aeryn needs: a distraction, something to do to distract her from the fact that she’s got no clue how to bond with a crying infant.

During her search, Aeryn discovers she is a Jaal-Sebacean, the purest of the Peacekeeper bloodlines, and reconnects with the teachings of Yemahl, an ancient and peaceful religion shunned and mocked by most modern Peacekeepers. Skeptical at first, Aeryn eventually finds guidance and purpose in the vision of the Peacekeepers as a force for good, rather than just a pack of thugs for hire. The Peacekeepers were already in bad shape after the events of The Peacekeeper Wars, with many concluding that Commandant Grayza is no longer fit to lead them. That leaves Aeryn perfectly positioned to take up another job she doesn’t particularly want but is unquestionably suited for: Commandant of the Peacekeeper forces on the eve of a war of unprecedented scope and destruction.

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