David Tennant/Matt Smith Location Pics Could Provide Who 50th Anniversary Clues

By David Wharton | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

DocsWhile it’s still up in the air whether any of the classic Doctor Who leads will play any part in the upcoming 50th anniversary special, we have at least been able to shift one candidate into the “Yes” column. Tenth Doctor David Tennant was confirmed late last month to be returning, along with actress Billie Piper as his beloved companion, Rose Tyler. Now some new shots of Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith and Tennant in the midst of filming in Cardiff, with Tennant back in his unmistakable Doctor garb. Aside from being nifty, these pictures may hold some clues as to how Tennant’s Doctor will return.

SPOILERS! Don’t read further if you want to avoid even speculation about how Tennant might figure into the anniversary special.

Aside from the fact that there’s a Zygon in the background, the eagle eyes at Tor.com noticed a few other potential clues. First, they say this looks like the Tennant-era TARDIS, rather than the version Smith’s Eleventh Doctor is currently puttering around time and space in. It’s a darker color of blue, the windows are slightly different, and there’s no “St. John’s” insignia. This shot below of some TARDIS toys shows off the differences — Tenth and Eleventh are the furthest right, respectively.


The Tor folks also point out that Tennant is in his brown suit, whereas his alternate universe cloned duplicate was last seen wearing the blue version of the suit. That’s hardly conclusive proof, but it’s worth noting. If we’re assuming that we can reasonably rule out an appearance by the Clone Doctor, that suggests Tennant will indeed be playing the “Alpha” version of his Doctor, and that he will either 1) cross paths with the Eleventh Doctor during some unspecified, previously unseen point in his timeline prior to his regeneration, or 2) he’ll be brought back from the dead via some manner of wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey stuff, even if only for one last adventure.

At any rate, it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. As for the other Doctors, Eccleston is out, Baker and McCoy aren’t holding out much hope, but McGann still thinks he could be a last-minute addition.

And just to give those tear ducts a workout, here’s the Tenth Doctor as we last saw him.