What’s Your Geek Sign?

By Rudie Obias | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

Here’s a great pickup line to use at Comic Con, the next time you’re looking to hook up with a fellow geek. Hey baby, what’s your geek sign? It may come out sounding awkward but that goes hand-in-hand with being a geek.

The above zodiac comes from TheGeekZodiac.com where they’ve created their own take on Astronomy Zodiac signs. It’s the same idea but with a geek twist. It actually has more in common with the Chinese Zodiac (Year of the Rabbit, Rat, Dog) than the Greek Mythology Zodiac (Taurus, Aries, Genesis). The Geek Zodiac twist is placing it in world of fandom (Year of the Robot, Wizard, Alien).

How does this work? You take the year you were born, then find the corresponding year to the Geek Zodiac sign. For example, I was born in 1980 so my Geek Zodiac sign is the Year of the Spy. This informs me that, I’m confident, patriotic and disentanglement adept (which means I’m crafty and resourceful). My faults are that I’m duplicitous, selfish and remorseless. Mostly accurate. I do have some of these attributes but I don’t think I’m selfish or remorseless, which wouldn’t make me a good spy.

Why is 1980 is the Year of the Spy? The years jump every 12 years starting at 1908, which was the birth year for Ian Fleming, the creator and author of the James Bond series. I’ll admit I’ve never seen a single James Bond movie. Maybe I should have been an Astronaut.

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